Hi everybody.
After doing really well for a while, and having very good holidays, my mother fell off a cliff, medically speaking, the day after New Year's. She's been in and out of the hospital, has had severe pneumonia with serious complications, and and has had fluid drained out of her head. Her mental status has come and gone. We were told she might very likely die last week, but she survived.
Now she is reentering acute rehabiliation, but I don't think anything much will come of it. I was there yesterday to handle the transfer between hospitals. She was pretty good when I got there, but by the time I got to her room at the rehab hospital (a 15-minute van ride away), she had changed into a completely different person. The next three hours were probably the hardest since this whole thing began last September. She cried, she screamed, she threatened. And she insulted me with all the cunning at her disposal. She kept saying I owe her $40,000 for my college education. When I made up my mind to leave, I told her that I love her, which I have done every time I've seen her since this started. She sneered at me and said, "Get out of here, slime. You don't know the meaning of the word."
I know a lot of people would say that this is her illness talking, not her. Brain-injured or senile people can get very mean. But I wonder, too, if this isn't her "real" personality being released from social inhibitions. She knows exactly how to hurt me, and she didn't hesitate. How come she retains that mental function but not others?
I feel very bad today. Throughout this ordeal, I've tried to believe that I have to behave by my own code. I have to treat her with love and respect. I have to act in her best interest, and stand up to my family if I believe that interest is threatened. I've put 18,000 miles on my car driving to visit her. I've lost thousands of dollars in income by taking unpaid leave and spent thousands on tolls, gas, and her bills. I've spent countless hours planning different care and financial scenarios, talking to experts (including experts I have paid), visiting facilities, etc. I am exhausted. I cry very easily. And right now, I feel that it's all for nothing. My mother is probably right. I'm a failure at everything, including love.
I don't want to spiral down into a serious depression, but I am wondering why I'm alive.
Sorry for the downer message.