Author Topic: Relationships are tough at 50 - more  (Read 1882 times)

Its not Easy

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Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« on: February 01, 2006, 07:31:31 PM »
Last Sunday, my G/F J50 and I had an argument and we are still separated. She and I have emailed yesterday and she said that she is "not well and very fragile" and that when she saw her Doctor,she" dissolved nto tears in her office and took the rest of the day off". I have left her alone since then to process her pain and she has said the she will 'let me know how she feels when she is less fragile" ..Not a bad idea for both of us to take some time to settle down.

I have written a list of the things that she has said to me since we started dating last November.
The numbers are the approximate times that she has said each one.
J50 is a beautiful elementary school teacher who works with "special needs " kids.
( The occasional refernce to J60 is to her EXB/F who is stiil around because he and she own a house together and he lives in a separate rear appt and she lives in the front area of the house - messy! )
I am a passive and compliant person. (6)
I want everything in the world to be "nice"(10)
Why can't everyone be "nice" to each other(6)
It was my job as a child to protect my mother from my drunken father( 5)
People's feelings are really important to me(10)
I know what everyone around me is feeling but I do not know what I am feeling(6)
I am Mount Vesuvius when I blow ( 6)
I like to take care of people's feelings(5)
I never like upsetting people(6)
My children are number one(5)
D17 (son) is a big young man but he is still 'a bubby boy"
My daughter E23 looks out for me(5)

Men pick me, I do not pick them(10)
YOU had the confidence to just GET me(6)
YOU know how and when to just "push me" when I am stubborn and resisting.
I need to be "managed " by you. Just manage me! (6)
When I get crazy/upset, you need to just need hold me tight and not let me run away.(10)
I do not do "men" very well (6)
This was YOUR relationship in the first month but I am catching up(5)

My doctor warned me not to marry my Ex/H at the time. But he did not explain any further(1)
My marriage was in turmoil from Day 1 .We broke up every few months(2-3)
My Ex/H was a GOD to me and I was addicted to him(6)
I had a breast enhancement twenty years ago and my Ex/H and his Doctor brother chose the size when I was in the OR. I wanted a B cup and I woke up with a "D". (2)

My Ex/ Husband sometimes had 5 women on the side at once(3)
One day my Ex H  just left me. I had three children under 7 years( 5)
I do not LEAVE relationships(6)
Good catholic girls do not leave(6)

I am not jealous,but which "dance lady" did you sleep with last night?(5)
You are popular with a lot of women.(5)
Going out dancing by yourself is not compatible with our committed relationship(2)
You are in TOTAL control of this relationship(2)
You are domineering,possessive and controlling - but that is OK (3)
You are the most tender and loving man that I have ever met.(3)
I like the 'make -up sex' after a break-up(3)
Your are the only man who can talk about relationships more than most women(5)
You are powerful and the most influential person whom I have ever known(3)
I listen to your ideas and take them on(5)
I use your sayings every day(6)
When I argued with J60(Current Ex B/F) I said to him what YOU said yesterday(2)
Marion( her best G/F) said that she thinks that you and she have the same ideas about what is good for me(3)
I confuse the ladies at work too (4)
When i am upset I want to run away.(4)
The ladies at work have told me for the last three years to dump my Ex B/F. They say what you say about him, but you say it with more power. (4)

Just get a magic wand and make my EX B/F go away.(3)
I did not hear from you today untill this afternoon and I felt 'forgotten' (2)
I am drawn into a relationship if the man says "I love you' often enough.(3)
I am attracted to you because you are a strong confident man.(5)

Wow! When I lay it out like this ---!!

A processing "Its not Easy"
« Last Edit: February 01, 2006, 10:16:46 PM by Its not Easy »

Its not Easy

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Re: Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 10:18:59 PM »
Hey Bean, I am in the middle of this - maybe you could tell me what you think?

Its not--


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Re: Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 10:31:29 PM »
It's not easy: I wrote another reply and deleted it as I made a pact with myself to TRY and not react emotionally to others when I have some negative energy of my own on my plate. I have had a challenging day and was not particularly tactful. So I will try to be more constructive this time:
If I had any clue that the man I was dating was keeping track of everything I did and counting it ........or that the man had the inclination to do that sort of thing one day....well, I would cool it with said man.
Nobody 's perfect. But counting up flaws and digressions is not a path to love.  It certainly doesnt' sound like any of this was leading to love.
Perhaps you could spend the energy it took you to list all that on taking time to focus on yourself....sans female attention for a while.......and see what happens.   

Its not Easy

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Re: Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2006, 11:23:32 PM »
Bean, thanks for your balance - I am disturbed by her living arrangements and bewildered by her reluctance not to separate from the EX B/F when they broke up (emotionally and physically) three years ago. It seems that she and he were both waiting for the other to "put things right".That never happened and now they are worlds apart. She wants to move on and he is being difficult and obstructive. SHE finally listed the house for sale with a local realtor two weeks ago.
This is NOt an easy situation for either of us. I fear that she will retreat back into her present situation .

Its not Easy-

Its not Easy

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Re: Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2006, 11:47:11 PM »
Hey Jacmac -you rang my bell! I would not be in this situation with a "not beautiful"  woman. By that I mean that I would have bailed long ago OR I would have not dated her in the first
Having said that J50 also engages me at other levels -intellectual and emotionally.These areas are fulfilling too. But I do recognise what you are saying about physical beauty ( whats wrong with that anyways).

Its not easy.


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Re: Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2006, 12:17:29 PM »
It's not EAsy: Are you in or have you considered therapy? You might find it helpful in turning your focus inward for a bit....


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Re: Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2006, 07:45:43 AM »
Hey Bean,
For me, having a T I can trust has been a safe place.
I didn't feel safe with my brother or mother and chose Nmen for years.
Having an hour a week where someone cared and didn't exploit or harm
was healing in itself. Sometimes I call them "renta-friends." Sounds pathetic,
but it wasn't...I really did need to be heard that patiently for years and years
before my anxiety disorder got under control.

I had one toxic therapist who had a hidden religous agenda, who pushed
me toward marriage because he was uncomfortable with my being single and
sexual. I will never forgot going to him and saying, J-- is pressuring me like
crazy to set a date, and though I love him and all, something inside me is
telling me I need more time. What do you think I should do? He said oh I
think you should set the date and get all that worrying behind you. I was
too weak to trust my own intuition, so I did, and the marriage was a disaster,
beginning with abuse on my wedding night. (Good Ts never, ever tell you
what to do with major life decisions. They guide you toward making the
right decision for yourself.)

But with that one exception, every therapist I've ever seen (off and on
since my 20s, depending what was going on in my life) has been a healer
and a help. The T I see now is simply kind, decent, smart and caring. No
fake posturing, just a competent and sincere desire to help. I might see
him for 6 months or a year, and then take a year off. It's good he's there.

Just rambling on the whole T thing.
I understand the desire to independently solve our own problems,
but I was too riddled with panic disorder to be able to do so. I'm grateful.
I guess in another time I would've been parked outside the shaman's hut
all day long and they probably would've made me go live in the forest.

 :) Hopalong
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2006, 12:58:07 PM »
Kind of scary that you count the number of times she says things. How do you do it?  Note pad?  "Oh, excuse me honey", (dash to other room to make a hatch mark). 

Suggestion:  Look inward for awhile.


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Re: Relationships are tough at 50 - more
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2006, 04:34:31 PM »
I do love that Peck point.
Love is not a feeling.
It is a choice.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."