I'm still coming to terms with the idea that my mom is an n.

She married to get out of her childhood home and become a housewife who didn't have to do anything, and freely admitted that she never loved my father. This said to me as a child who DID actually love my father. She also said (again when I was a child) that she had decided that she was bored with the relationship, and that my dad was too controlling and that before she left him, she decided to have another child, so she could have 2 - since that was how many she had always wanted. She didn't tell my dad any of this, just sprung it on him when she "accidentally" got pregnant with me. My dad loved (and still does) me, but he was not ready for another child at that time, and they were having marital difficulties, so it was a really selfish decision, both for my dad and for me being born into a family that was definately not going to survive intact... she also claims that I am more "hers" i.e. I belong to her, since she "planned" me, and I happened to be born near her own birthday.
She made sweeping life-changes without considering how they would effect anyone else but herself, and got angry when my sister and I (as children) weren't "supportive".
She constantly plays my sister and myself off of one another. There is always a "golden child" and the "child from hell," (even with both of us in our mid thirties!) and the child in disfavor is gossiped about and berated to the "good" one. My sister and I used to be close, but between differences in personality and the constant feeling of competition between us, we are little more than cordial. We are both just now figuring out how badly our mom has hurt our relationship, but my sister is trying to play peacemaker, and in the process excusing my mom's narcissism under the guise of "but she's getting old and sick and needs help" and saying that I am "too sensitive" and need to let her "vent" i.e. call me names and control my life. My sister is, (obviously) the golden child right now.

I excelled at art and went into the graphic arts as a career. I graduated with honors from an art school. My mom tells everyone that listens that I was a good artist because she allowed me to have finger paints and nurtured me and it is because of her that I have any talent. (this type of "stealing thunder" is common all throughout my life)
There are so many incidents in my childhood that I look back on now and shudder about. The realization that she is so selfish and controlling and believes that she is right in everything is just mind blowing. She is smarter than everyone, men have crushes on her (she is NOT attractive at all - over 200 lbs, dresses like a bag lady and rarely brushes hair or puts on makeup - and don't get me started on how embarrasing it is to go out in public with a VERY saggy woman who won't wear a bra and has her "headlights" on all of the time!

) she should have been in politics because she is so eloquent... you get the idea.
My mom now thinks that I must be her best friend, her servant, her caretaker and handyman and gets angry with me for having a life independant from her and worse, for not telling her every little detail so she can criticize and critique everything.
I am married, have a full time + job and am trying to have a child, but my mom still thinks she must be my top priority. AAAARRRGG!