Thanks for the support, Mud. You know, my d is not totally sweet. She is very kind to people, but will stick up for the underdogs and what she believes is right, by telling these people off sometimes (no swearing,,,,she is quite 'by the rules").
Perhaps because she is nice, but not a mouse, that she stands out on occassion and jerks like these boys feel threatened and give her a hard time. I also wondered why I was picked on as a kid...I was not a mouse, but I was nice....I couldn't understand these people were not normal, so I internalized it into "something is wrong with me" (because everything at 13 is so personal).
People tell me (kids and teachers) that my daughter is popular, but she doesn't think so at all. Isn't that just like adolescence?
I also think her stress level is high because of the looming legal battle with her dad.
She is absolutely right about the school she goes to....I knew this before I sent her there....the academic education is superior, but the social climate can be negative.
She and I both know, moving will be good for many reasons. thanks for the supportive words.