Hi Movinon, I appreciate your honesty and frankness. It helps you and us, I think!

I read about your shower stuff and this:
I'm just fearful that CPS may take my children away from ME for knowing and not doing something sooner.I understand (or can try to

) your fear here. However: knowing and not acting is not the same as abusing. And you are fearful of him right, with darn good reason? So not acting could be out of fear for yourself and your kids?
Also, this point about your 6 yr old: she seems upset/disturbed/unhappy about her Dad showering with her. She's telling you this and that's a biggie - that she's saying it and not keeping it silent. I think it means she's really unhappy about it.
Question: did she ever say she was, or seemed unhappy, about anything that happened while you were with her? (That's a Q for you, not necessarily to answer here.)
Big difference there!
What upsets her is what matters. Not your interpretation (or anyone else's really) of what happened. What she feels and thinks is what I'd be looking at if I was in CPS (which I'm not).
I hope that's how it works but I know systems aren't anywhere near perfect.
You're okay Movinon. You're a good mother imo.
Hopalong, you're okay too.
Say what you think and change your mind and change it again. Nothing is ever easy and nobody if perfect and heck, you said what I thought of at first. Then I wondered what the daughter herself thought of it. From the child's perspective is a good view to try. If that's possible. But it's not easy, there are lots of grey areas and the more information we get about anything, the better, probably. But yeah, nothing wrong with what you said as far as I can see. Take it easy on yourself