I have battled insomnia for a good part of my life and have had prescription sleep meds for years. The one thing I know is that the older I get, the worse the insomnia gets. As we lose our natural hormones, our body reacts with sleeplessness (along with a lot of other crappy side effects). I have some friends who have gone through menopause with no affects on their ability to sleep, but that is not the norm.
I will say also, that through my depression and anxiety of the separation and divorce, I needed sleep meds in addition to the AD's to sleep at all. Now that my life is on an even keel for the most part, I still need those sleep meds virtually every night. When I try to get by without one, I end up regretting it and only sleeping very sporatically through the night and exhausted the next day. I have given up the fight and just take them to maintain my sanity. The only thing I will not allow, is an increase to the amount I am taking, even though they have lost some of their affect over the years.
I am so envious of those who can lay down and fall asleep. Not anything I have ever been able to do.