Author Topic: Living with Bipolar  (Read 5532 times)


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2006, 01:16:47 AM »
hi everyone  I have read  Kay Jamison's book very moving .I read it several times .when I could not sleep tee hee.
                  I did not read Patty Dukes book but I will.
                  I do plan to go to a Bipolar meeting ,it will be a big thing for me I am a natural hermit.
                  I will let you know how it goes.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 01:18:54 AM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2006, 11:29:49 AM »
I have a Q for the bipolar sufferers.

What's the difference between bipolar I and bipolar II?  Different symptoms, severity, causes or what?

I believe "shrink" is short for "head shrinker", an obviously derogatory allusion confusing the practice of psychiatry with witch doctors and real head shrinkers.



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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2006, 11:44:21 AM »
it's a DSM distinction, I can't remember if we had it in the UK.

Bipolar 2 is more depressive episodes, Bipolar 1 more mania or mixed: I do this rapid cycling which means the mood changes over a few hours or days, it's hard to medicate, though I am finding sleep works well. If I sleep a couple of days I usually settle down again.

I have found anti-depressants not useful with Bipolar 1- they tip me over into manic state very quickly.

My illness has got worse over the years and now it's pretty constant and I've had to modify my life and accept ongoing treatment rather than just episodes here and there. I see my excellent psychiatrist ( who has the same disorder ) every few weeks, more often if needed.


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2006, 12:17:12 PM »
hi everyone ,I have bipolar 1 .I do not have rapid cycles of mood swings . So now because of the medication, I do not go
from one great extreme to the other .When I did ,the periods of time I stayed in highs or lows were long periods of times and
between were times that were "normal".I have found also one's outlook on life can effect Bipolar
as with any disorder.I did have one depression lasted really long.But now with the medication I am seeing results that are very good.
thank you Write why should anyone be ashamed of Bipolar or high blood pressure ?I am asking my self that quetion I should have made that clear I AM WORKING ON NOT BEING ASHAMED OF BIPOLAR.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 05:06:28 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2006, 04:39:51 PM »
WHAT shame in your determination, clarity and honesty? Where? How? Why?
(I mean, I know why...hellllooooo, ignorant culture.)
But damn. You don't--and I'm sure never did for a moment--deserve it.

I feel that one of the most loathsome things a person can do to another is to mock or shame them for something they cannot help.

Your self-management sounds to me like a triumph. I hope you do feel pride in it.

Good for you for your joyful embrace of happiness and acceptance of what is. You seem full of gratitude and focused on what works. I know having a loving mate is part of it. I am inspired by your attitude nonetheless. Hope it's contagious!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2006, 05:08:00 PM »
HI HOPS    I did not make myself clear I am working on not being ashamed of being bipolar.


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2006, 05:15:18 PM »
Well that's good work, Moon!
(We're all works in progress...I understand, you're not all the way there.)
You sure sound as though you've got yourself pointed in the right direction, though.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2006, 05:32:23 PM »
one of the problems for me has been I love it- the energy and creativity side anyway. I didn't want to treat it in case I lost that. I've got a wobbly balance now.

No one should feel ashamed of mental illness, but of course people are judgemental.

I was at coffee with some people the other day, 3 didn't know I have this illness but my friend does; she was talkign about her niece should have an abortion because the baby's father has bipolar. Her face was a picture when she realised what she'd said.


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2006, 05:41:01 PM »
YeGods, Write. I hope it's not too evil to hope she spilled her coffee.
Well, here's my fantasy response: "Ahem. Speaking as a person who has bipolar illness, thought I'd just mention that I enjoy being alive..." (In my own life, of course, I always think of nice comebacks when I'm three blocks away kicking cans.)

Sheesh. Hope she apologized. What a thoughtless remark!

Speaking of the upsides, I had a T once talking to me as an aside about bipolar illness, and he got this look of yearning on his face (kid at candy store window) and said, Yes, I've always thought how wonderful it would be to have a nice steady case of hypomania...

Good for you for enjoying what you can about it.
Hang'll rebalance again.
You sound very alert and responsible about the signs.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2006, 05:47:40 PM »
HI WRITE     I have bipolar .My hubby does not. We have 2 girls one 27 the other 13 (thats another story).
The percent of one of them having bipolar is 15 % to 30%.Remember they have not been raised with abuse
but kindness, this is big help.I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY SIGNS OF BIPOLAR IN THEM.
I am beginning just not to give a hoot what any one sez.I try to be kind to others thats what is important.
Anyway Write I know how the disorder works its ups and downs. Right now I have the middle road.For how long I do not know.
People do not really want to be mean .I guess its hard to understand unless you have been there.


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Re: Living with Bipolar
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2006, 11:07:53 PM »
My friend should be more understanding because her husband has a dementing illness, he's only 50s.

Wonder if he should have been aborted to save some trouble....I guess that's my fantasy response which I'd never say because it's unkind.

I try to be kind to others thats what is important.

I truly believe this has been my saving grace in life, for if I have done something awful or out of character, it shows up like that.