Author Topic: Update on T session and for reallyME  (Read 1276 times)


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Update on T session and for reallyME
« on: March 23, 2006, 04:14:24 PM »
Up date on  Therapy.

Hiy All and reallyME.  I told ya I'd let ya know how the T is working.
When my N went to  his T sessions he went alone. I had a big blow out with my N the other day.  You know, the regular N crap that they do.    He picked up the phone and called his T.  The T did a session on the phone with me and him.  First time I spoke to the T with a joint session.   The one relief I got was  he confirmed my N was a true N.   It sounds crazy but I really found relief that someone who was a  professional was putting a name to what I thought.   He talked to my N about his actions in which I had no interest.  Another word for, I don’t give a crap anymore what he does.  The T asked me what I was feeling.  The only thing I could say was Fear!!..  Fear of the unknown ( meaning I was going out on my own.) ! He asked me if I believe people can change.  I said yes  (cause I do).  He asked me if I think my N can change.  I said No. I said I didn’t really care if he could.  He asked me if I could see the future and my life was wonderful with my N and everything was to turn around and he was the best any man could be would I
Be willing to work this out knowing the end of the story.  Not that this is what will happen  and may not ,but justi If!.  I answered honestly,  I don’t know, I don’t think so.     I only am thinking of myself now.  He asked since I’ve been with him 11years and I have never  been in joint therapy with my N can I possibly go 11 more days and  will I go to the next session .  I told the T for him I will do the 11 more days.  You see I have had it!! I make no promises that in between if I find out one  more lie the deal is broken and the door will be hitting him in the ass.  We all agreed.   I asked the T how do you know he’s not working you.  The T said in time he will be able to know,  it’s too soon to tell. He is trusting my N that he really wants help.  At the end of the session the T said to my N.  I want you to know(N) that since (D) me, is coming to T with you *in no way does it mean that she will always be here* . If that is to happen I will help soften  the blow for you both. .  He told my N that he does not deserve me and he will have to work very hard.    My N for the first time ever,  became uncontrollable crying!!! Said he hated himself for what he has done.  I on the other hand had no reaction.
I do think he really wants help for himself.  
If I am to leave, do I think he would continue his T?  Ya ,I think he really would.  He really, really likes his T and looks forward it.
I did not see him correct anthing I said or try to make excuse for his behavior/actions.  He was actually humbled.  So it may be working for him!!
I’ll check in and let ya know how it’s going.
Peace and Happiness to all  



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Re: Update on T session and for reallyME
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 06:05:10 PM »
Ns do have emotions. They weep. If they are cut, they bleed. They are human.

They are so resistant to change that it is about as likely as winning the lottery that his tears are a sign of the enormous personality overhaul and complete brain change (after YEARS of therapy) that it would require for a healthy woman to have a relaxed and trusting partnership with one.

Do you play the lottery?
Do you have more years to spare?

It's your life.
If it were mine, after having had umpteen Ns and now finally...never, ever again...I wouldn't.

Sorry to sound so harsh. I believe it is a harsh reality (and I would trade years of my life to have learned about it and fully faced it all sooner).

Wishing you strength,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Update on T session and for reallyME
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 06:43:55 PM »
I would like to share a little of my experience now that I am over 2 1/2 years away from the separation and 1 year away from the divorce being final.  I will predicate by saying that my exnh never wanted our marriage to stay together once I found out about his affair and he determined that that was his excuse to escape our marriage.  Unlike you, I was trying very hard to keep him with me, despite learning of all the lies I'd been told, the things he was hiding and ultimately the OW.  We did attend joint counseling for about 6 weeks, but during that entire time, he lied to both me and the therapist about a number of things which would have been critical to any successful outcome for counseling.  Of course, the T and I had no knowledge of his lies until after he bailed out of the marriage and the counseling process.  Several times during therapy, we had long tearful nights together, with him baring his soul (or so I thought) about his relationship with his mother, his father's alcoholism and much more.  I honestly believed at the time, that we were connecting on a level we never had before and making progress toward reconciliation.  Until he very suddenly walked out of a joint therapy appointment, said he couldn't do it (marriage, therapy, kids, whatever) anymore, packed his bags and left.  Leaving me so shellshocked that I didn't eat for nearly a week.

Now that I am going on 3 years away from that whole scenario, I can see how lucky I was that the therapy was not successful in keeping the marriage together.  He left me for a woman who was married at the time, and to this day, 3 years later, is still in her marriage and he is still convinced she will eventually leave her husband and family for him.  To me he is like a pathetic child who decided to run away from home, but then realized that the world outside that home is not as friendly as it was inside and without me or some other adult to guide him, he doesn't know what to do next.  I don't know if he continues to see his T, but he has made no progress that I can see in all that time and his T never made him deal with who he was.  I know the T we saw together and I continued to see alone for 2 more years, would not have let him do that and why he eventually had to walk (actually run) away from that relationship.

You h's T sounds more in tune than I think my exh's T was (however I never had a conversation with him, so I don't know for sure what the T thought).  I can tell that you are not buying into his pleas for help and acceptance and remaining objective.  Good for you.  I wish I could have been more objective and realistic at the time and saved myself a lot of grieving for someone who clearly didn't deserve it.  But at the end of the day, I am the one who has gotten healthy and wise (wish I could include wealthy) and am actually grateful for the eye-opening experience I was forced to have. 

I wish you well and hope you can keep your objectivity throughout your process.  Always remember that they live by the lie and trusting them can only come back to bite you.




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Re: Update on T session and for reallyME
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 06:52:42 PM »
dear Hopalong,

Oh I don't think you are harsh at all.  I totally agree with you.  
I don't wan't to waste anymore years of my life. I don't care what is real with him and his emotions. That's for his T and him to figure out.  He is working to stay in this relationship.  I'm working to get out.

You wrote nothing but the truth!



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Re: Update on T session and for reallyME
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 08:26:55 PM »

Thank you for updating us all.  It sounds like maybe he is really being reached. I pray so.  I also commend you on standing your ground and protecting yourself any way you need to.



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Re: Update on T session and for reallyME
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2006, 10:00:01 PM »
my exN, who has spent the last 10 years since our divorce trying to make me miserable (not working anymore) also had a "breakthrough" of crying and actually acting sincerely sorry for his lying, cheating and abuse at the end of our marriage.  After "buying" this game for 13 years, however, I was, as you now sound, quite finished playing.  I finally figured it out.
 As it turned out, he was STILL seeing the "other woman (a girl, really) and was lying to both me and the therapist about his sincere sorrow. I have no doubt he sincerely felt bad: FOR HIMSELF!!!
You can wish him well, and you do, but you don't have to go down with this drowning N!!
You sound strong, and not unkind, but also not stupid. Your eyes are open, and you can count on your own good mind and heart to know what to do.
Many good thoughts and lots of sisterly solidarity to you!