Author Topic: What do you think?  (Read 3723 times)


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2006, 06:24:46 PM »
Hops....  are you kidding??  no need to apologize...  every one of your posts have been most helpful. 

As the time got closer and closer today I just couldn't post.  I was reading each post over and over and I had a lump in my throat and was feeling really fearful.  Speaking my truth growing up was a dangerous thing to do, and although I'm grown and and know in my head that I am safe, it doesn't feel that way.  Anyhow, things fell into place and actually went very well.   :)   My son normally works on Sunday and today by chance he was off.   Yesterday, he called my Dad and wanted to know if they wanted to meet us halfway to pick up the girls.  He knew nothing of the tension that had developed.  My mom returned the call today and I spoke with her on the phone.  She asked if the girls would be staying for the meeting tonight.  I told her no, that I was sure that my daughter had a great time and that it wasn't my intention to offend anyone, but I was certain that my daughter would be very tired and I was coming to get her.  She agreed to meet me halfway and then the miracle happened....  Keep in mind that my daughter had no knowledge of the things that had taken place (and still doesn't, this isn't something I would share with her).  She got out of the car smiled at me and said Mom, I had a really good time and I'm really glad to see you.  I'm sooooo tired. So I'm sitting here now crying with relief.  I knew what was best for her all along.  I did what I needed to do (even though shaking in my socks!) and I will go to bed early tonight. 

(((((((((((Hopalong, Pennyplant, Stormchild, Brigid)))))))))))))  You made a difficult day much easier.   


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2006, 07:54:47 PM »
She got out of the car smiled at me and said Mom, I had a really good time and I'm really glad to see you. I'm sooooo tired. So I'm sitting here now crying with relief. I knew what was best for her all along. I did what I needed to do (even though shaking in my socks!) and I will go to bed early tonight.

(((((((((((Hopalong, Pennyplant, Stormchild, Brigid))))))))))))) You made a difficult day much easier.

Woo Hoo Tryingtocope!!!  So happy for you!!!   :D  I don't know how it could have possibly turned out better.  You did it!  The very definition of bravery!
Now, sweet dreams to you.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2006, 08:11:55 PM »
That's wonderful, Coping!

One of these days you'll even realize you're leaving out the apologetic note ("I don't want to offend anyone")-- because one of these days, it won't worry you if that woman is offended or not. You'll just be too busy calmly making your decisions that are yours to make.

GOOD for you, bravo, hero-Mom!

 :D :D :D

Sweet dreams,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2006, 08:23:34 AM »
I'm so glad that everything turned out so well.  My children have always been my strength and inspiration and when they validate my good intentions and decisions, it always feels so good.  It was because of my children that I finally walked away from my family of origin because of the damage they did to me and ultimately how that affected my kids.

Good going mom  :D



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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2006, 11:26:36 AM »
Hi Friends...  Thanks, I'm feeling good today.  This is going to sound crazy but I think Math may help with boundary setting.   :shock: !!  Yesterday when I was reading the posts I kept reading Stormchilds and Hop's responses to my mothers words, and Pennyplant said practice practice practice, and it all kinda came together for me this morning.  I journaled this morning and wrote out my mothers words and Storm's responses. I remembered helping my daughter with Math, and how when she couldn't get a new concept we would pick a problem and I would show her the steps to the solution.  I would have her work the same problem four or five times following the solution guide.  After she did this, I would have her go to the next problems and work them on her own.  Because she saw the process, the remaining problems weren't difficult for her.  So this is what I was doing.  Writing moms past words and Storms responses, all the while thinking to myself, what are you afraid of, is mom speaking the truth, etc etc.  I felt myself becoming more comfortable the more I typed.  I even added my own responses to Stormchilds.  Then I remembered hearing from somewhere that when you imagine something it becomes stronger in your brain.  And I was thinking how this works against me because when things come up like came up this weekend, I remember things said in the past and panic.  But I was thinking about what Hops said about keeping it short and I thought, I can remember short things.  So I've created a "short list" in my journal.  It starts with Hop's "Goodbye, I'll see you later, and I've added to it such as "this isn't up for discussion, and "I appreciate your concern but it's none of your business".  This could really help when dealing with my mom because I am protecting myself while at the same time not being hurtful to her.  And when she starts her stuff, I tend to get overwhelmed and things get foggy and I end up saying nothing.  But I think I could remember a short response.  And I was remembering Pennyplants practice practice practice.  And I think I am not good at boundaries with my mother because I haven't practiced boundaries with her. 

I know it's silly to struggle with this.  I feel foolish having this problem.  I have soooo much to talk with my T about this week.  Feeling like I'm on a good path.  My grandmother is calling me from the other room.  Ready for her car ride.  She's 94 and soooooo sweet.  Thanks for listening.


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2006, 12:12:53 PM »

I know it's silly to struggle with this.  I feel foolish having this problem.  I have soooo much to talk with my T about this week.  Feeling like I'm on a good path.  My grandmother is calling me from the other room.  Ready for her car ride.  She's 94 and soooooo sweet.  Thanks for listening.

No, no, not silly, TTC.  It is a struggle and that's probably what the Ns just won't be bothered with.  Struggle is hard work.  Like swimming through that wave that Hops talked about.  I'm proud of you for "doing the math".  This repetition is how we learn most things.  But the lazy ones just won't do it.  And they never learn.  I'm very proud of you.  You're not silly, you're smart!!   :D

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2006, 04:00:13 PM »
NOT silly, TTC!
That's genius to recognize it as just like math, break it into steps, and keep your answers short. Wow!

(Since you let me get away with my favorite past-time, stuffing dialogue in other people's mouths.. :P)...How about changing:
"I appreciate your concern but it's none of your business" [sounds like fightin' words] to
"I appreciate your concern but I've made my decision. Bye."

I am very excited for you. This is real, serious creative real as hammering nails into fresh lumber to build yourself a brand-new emotional shelter. And you're building it yourself, for YOU!

(Feels awesome, doesn't it? Doesn't matter how long it takes to get to's just wonderful.)

 :P :P

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2006, 07:43:42 PM »
Thanks PP.... perhaps this particular problem is an advanced calculus with a looooong formula   :)  I hope not too long.

Hops... I have to add that one too!!  Please feel free to stuff dialogue into my mouth anytime.  We could have boundary making contest.   :)

Excuse me?
I don't want to discuss this.
I've already solved that, but thanks.
That's something to ponder
Is that right?
Oh  :shock:
And my little sisters favorite (she was adopted at 3 and had a deep texas accent)  She use to say " I can do it all by ma saaaeellff.  (She was so cute!)


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2006, 09:27:48 PM »

Thanks PP.... perhaps this particular problem is an advanced calculus with a looooong formula   :)  I hope not too long.

I think just getting STARTED on these kind of advanced problems makes them go faster and faster.
Starting is the hardest part.  Now you'll be hungry for more success!!!   :D

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2006, 10:53:54 AM »
Hi Storm...

That makes so much sense.  I think it's a reaction that N's are looking for when they use their 'controlling BS' on others.  It's their little control game, and remaining detached and calm indicates we're on to the game and want no part of it.  Then... whatever feelings do come can be dealt with when we are safely away from them.  Maybe detaching can be achieved by visualizing them playing their game and visualizing ourselves responding in a detached, healthy way.   I feel like I'm training my brain.  8)

I feel happy that I taught you too.   :)  Your post was a "here is a healthier way", in fact, the whole thread was most helpful.   Sometimes I get so wrapped up in how the situation feels that my mind goes in circles.  I think I need to learn not to feel so much and to think more.    :)