Author Topic: money, money, money!!!  (Read 1550 times)


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money, money, money!!!
« on: March 30, 2006, 03:04:57 PM »
Okay -

I got my lawyers' statement today and the $5,000 retainer is all but GONE!!!! I just hired her in Jan. and we had one lousy hearing a couple of weeks ago and pretty much LOST.  I know it must feel worth it when you win, but this just sucks.  So let's see - that's about $9,000 in lawyers' fees ($4,000 from the 1st one in the collaborative div. thing - which accomplished NOTHING).  I am looking at another $2,500 for the psych. eval PLUS another retainer for my lawyer PLUS a financial person to come in to look at that part of it (b/c financial abuse was part of his thing as well-keeping totally in the dark).

I think this mess will reach $20,000 easily - for WHAT?  We've already sold our house and he sold stocks (as far as I know) and gave me what HE thought I SHOULD get and called it even.  I really don't think this judge will buy that he cheated me out of money.  I don't think she'll buy that he threw out over half of our belongings to be trashed so that he could sell the house. 

Heck, my parents even gave me $20,000 to help buy the house.  Think I'll get that back? - We think it was cash (My ex would SURELY know, but of course would not tell the truth about it).

I know, this is for my D's protection.  I need to keep telling myself that.  SHe's worth every penny I can scrape up.  Damn, I'm just starting to doubt myself.  I don't have this kind of $$$$.  I'm a school teacher for christ's sake!!!!

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Re: money, money, money!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 08:45:27 AM »
If I gave much thought to how much the divorce process cost me, I would go crazy.  It is expensive under the best of circumstances, but if you are dealing with a lying, cheating n, then I guarantee it will cost you tons--both financially and emotionally.

I have written the following Master Card ad with this in mind:

6 weeks of couples counselling to try to save the marriage:  $2,000

18 more months of therapy for me to heal from the separation and divorce:  $9,000

18 months of attorney fees to protect my children and get rid of the jerk:  $25,000

Moving on with my life with a great new guy on the back of a Harley motorcycle:  Priceless!

« Last Edit: March 31, 2006, 11:23:37 AM by Brigid »


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Re: money, money, money!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2006, 09:46:12 PM »
Movinon. Just got back my internet connection...otherwise, I'd have thrown you some support earlier.
I, too, am a schoolteacher.
I lost track of how much this whole crap with my exN has cost me, but it is far more than I make in one year (maybe a year and half's worth). It's a good thing I own my home, as it's the only thing saving me right now.
I did get to write off the psych eval. fees on taxes, though.

Why am I not freaking out? Well, if I had half a brain for math, I would be!!  :lol:
But, seriously, and this is the crux of the whole issue....and it is something I learned from my father (now deceased over 20 years). Money is energy. It's a collective agreement we all make about value. It's not "real". We just all agree about it. If I see money as energy flow, coming in, going out, it continues to flow. If I freak out about it, it's like the faucet shuts off.

Why do I believe that? Because I saw it in my dad's life, and I am seeing it in mine. And I believe, like everything else, that the Universe is in a great conspiracy of LOVE, and wants us all to be happy. When we line ourselves up with love and higher power, we get to tap into that.

THINK that you are ok, financially, then you FEEL that everything is ok, and LOW AND BEHOLD (swear to God, this is how my dad lived...and he died a happy, kind, well loved and modestly WEALTHY man) your financial situation will line up in your best interests.
YES, it comes with a huge deal of faith....something else my dad had tons of. But I saw again and again, how my mom would be worried about bills, etc, and almost from out of the sky....some long lost customer would pay up, or some old policy would come due....and they would be ok.
My dad turned his faith and positive attitude into a good, honest living and was able to leave my mother completely taken care of in her later years.
It's happened for me, too. I would be concerned about a huge legal bill, and voila! Wouldnt' you know it, that extra work I did for curriculum, well, the check shows up right on time!

Sure I am in debt up to my eyeballs, but my home has just gone way up in value, and I am moving soon to be with my husband, so we will share expenses, and I will be moving to an area where the home values have not skyrocketed like here. So I will be able to help my son with college after all, etc.
It is all lining up for me. WHY? I think it's because I believed it would. Would it have lined up for me if I worried? I don't think so, but either way, it's MY brain and MY thoughts, and I'll be damned if I let that one jerkoff I used to be married to take over that part of my life as well.  Besides, I am so much better at not letting my brain do the downward spiral into darkness thing, that I get physically ill when I indulge in's like my body says: HEY! We don't do that toxic stuff anymore!!!

If I worry about money, see myself drowning in debt....then, like every other worry, that's what I feel....and what I will create...and believe me I can freak out in an instant...BUT: I CHOOSE NOT TO!  I actually stop myself. I tell myself what to think. If I choose to think of myself as just fine, financially, like God will take care of me...not to worry, I not only am happier, but good things happen TO me!

I heard once about a man, I think some amazing card player, who made a fortune at poker contests or something, who had taped to his bathroom mirror, a note: "Good things happen to me". This is how my dad lived. This is how I am choosing to live.
And when "bad" things happen, I honestly believe that they are there for a learn from....and that, in the long run, is a good thing too. (sounded like Martha Stewart there...sorry!)

Anyway, I will put my cheerleader pompoms away for now. I just really want to you get happy.....because I know there is life AFTER (and even DURING) debt caused by A**h***s!!!!


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Re: money, money, money!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2006, 08:59:58 AM »
Sugarre - Yes, there are moments of doubt - it waxes and wanes.  I spoke to my lawyer (which was emotionally VERY hard for me) and they are willing to work with me - thanks for the suggestion.

Brigid - OMG - that's a LOT!  BUt you're right.  I will try to put the thought of cost out of my mind for now.

Jac - Ditto

Mum - writng off the psych eval on taxes?  Hmmm, I need more info on that.  What I got from your post is that I will call it into my life that the money will be there when I need it.  It's funny, in my circle if someone says something negative, even jokingly, they all say "Oh, don't call in that energy!".  I won't call it in.  I think I just needed some time to mourn it.

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Re: money, money, money!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2006, 12:36:41 PM »
Movin On,
I am so impressed. You are facing money fear. It takes real guts and I see you have them.

Thank you.
You are reminding me (in so many threads) of how negative thinking really is the obstacle.

(I knew that. I ignore it for long stretches and let my fear become an alligator to which I am constantly throwing more bloody chunks of my serenity and capacity for being in the present, being grateful, and being happy. Every time I read your reminders--and others too who have learned the precious lesson of controlling their own thoughts--I am urged away from the 'gator pond.)

It can't be repeated enough.

Thank you, and thank you MovinOn for sharing this struggle. I know you will be safe.

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Re: money, money, money!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2006, 01:28:45 PM »
Hi all,

Hopalong, I love that gator pond! I feed negative thoughts, they dont feed it.  Movinon, you will know later if the pain and money that you put into this quagmire is worth it, sometimes the results are worth far more in the end, I guess the word is "priceless".  Usually these users like your battling will keep on through life using others, until they use the wrong one.  But even if life does not catch up to them soon its a lonely place when youve burned all the bridges to your island.  Money is a funny thing to play with when it comes to manipulating people, because like life there is always someone with more that will make their lives as interesting as they have made others.  Hang in there money is temporary, it hurts bad, but its temporary. 

"If I fake it, then I don't have it"
---Bill Murray in "What about Bob"


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Re: money, money, money!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2006, 03:15:32 PM »

Usually these users like your battling will keep on through life using others, until they use the wrong one.

Funny, in my "previous" life, I would have made it my mission to be the wrong one.  I would have made him sorry he was ever born.  Oooo that sounds so yucky now, albeit familiar.  It's difficult operating from a different place these days.

Thanks for the reminder of that shadow that still resides within me Wally.

Thanks Hops :D

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Re: money, money, money!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2006, 05:11:53 PM »
Wally: I love this: Thanks!!

But even if life does not catch up to them soon its a lonely place when youve burned all the bridges to your island

Hoppy: This is such great imagery (you are a writer, aren't you?) I will treasure this.

 I knew that. I ignore it for long stretches and let my fear become an alligator to which I am constantly throwing more bloody chunks of my serenity and capacity for being in the present, being grateful, and being happy. Every time I read your reminders--and others too who have learned the precious lesson of controlling their own thoughts--I am urged away from the 'gator pond.)


 writng off the psych eval on taxes?

Yes, as unpaid or un-reimbursed  medical expenses.

"Oh, don't call in that energy!".  I won't call it in.  I think I just needed some time to mourn it.

You are so smart. Yes, mourning it is very important, a step that must not be missed. I hope you know that in my over zealous encouragement, that I  do not dismiss the very real slogging through that must be done/that you are doing.