Dear write,
I am not on medication myself but was close to it about 6 months ago. But my therapist told me this: A good medication will "lift the fog", and help you function on a more focused level... but it should not CHANGE your feelings, you should still be able to feel your feelings and work on what needs to be worked on. She said it should provide CLARITY, not fuzziness.
I don't suggest going off the medication if you feel it is helping you.. and if your depression or anxiety was serious enough to mandate it in the first place. as long as it is not "dulling" your senses. But you can always ask your psych to adjust the dose, or change to something else if you feel it is not being effective. My sense is though, that since you are here doing some work, you have not lost your sense of balance... and you are just still figuring the future out. If you were numbing yourself with medication, my feeling is you would probably not be still doing this.. you would be content with just letting it do its thing and you would not actively be trying to heal in other ways. Just my opinion.