Author Topic: The Four Agreements  (Read 4822 times)


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Re: The Four Agreements
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2006, 09:07:46 AM »
Hi again P:

Been thinking some more.......especially about this number 2 agreement:  DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY

Or she could think: shit. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was unlucky. It could have been anybody. Thank goodness I’m alive.

This is probably a really healthy thing to think.  It will certainly help the lady to recover from her ordeal, I would bet, and it focuses on the positive side.......that she is alive.

I get what you mean about not taking it personally, in her case, because it could have been anyone this happened to.....if they happened to be there.  That makes a lot of sense.  Thanks!

(it's seeeeeeping in.......a little at a time.......the stuff that helps.......the stuff that pushes that green, slimey, toxic juice out......Thanks for syringing that one in , P!!  Seriously!!).

Another point though.......and I'm relating this to Jacmac's thread called:  "Guarding yourself".......
which Jac talked about how she felt reduced by the N in her life (and compared this to greatly reducing the price tag on an expensive piece of clothing and then expecting the cashier to accept that price.
How crazy is that?  Hope I got that right.....Jac  :oops: .......I think it's very big stuff!!  Very huge!!)

‘Don’t take it personally’ means to me – I am not special. I am no more special than anyone else

Wrong!!! ( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:)

And right, too, ofcourse P.  Yes you are special Portia.  You are unique and gifted and lovely and VALUABLE.  I agree.....not more special.....but just as special as anyone else.

I just don't want number 2 to give you any reason to mark your own price tag down (we learn to do this ourselves, don't we, from the N-system?).  Maybe it doesn't send your thoughts in that direction but I'm just making sure!!
 'Cause I love to nag!!  And I'm in a green smiley mood today!!  :mrgreen: (and I want to cock his head sideways  :D).

Someone might actually love you because of who you are.  :shock: It is what they perceive, I agree, but that doesn't mean you alone happen to be in the right place at the right time.

It means you are priceless!  Worthy!  And the other person values you (yes....because they perceive.....your pricelessness).  And they are also lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

 :D Sela