I like this list, so I am going to do the same thing and see what things match me...
amoral/conscienceless - I am overly-concious of all my behavior. It is something I am working on in AA (not overanalyzing every single interaction with another person). I worry too much sometimes that I have hurt another person. I live by the Golden Rule and principals of AA.
authoritarian - Yes and no. I give my kids ultimatums on certain things and if I promise to take something away as a punishment, I follow through. I expect good behavior of them and caring towards others, but they are so good I rarely have to enforce anything.
care only about appearances - Hah! I have pretty things, but wear them only sometimes when I feel like making an effort! I always look ok. I think as a teenager I definitely cared only about appearances, because I did not understand myself or others well.
contemptuous - I have realized that sometimes I have a mocking voice that snaps in my head about other people. It is a copy of what I have heard my parents say throughout my life. However, I recognize it and use my own words to refute it now.
critical of others - I can be, but again I am working on using my attitude of "Live and Let Live."
cruel - No. I am definitely not cruel. Again, I remember as a child pretending to be cruel with dolls and such. Isn't that scary? Now I rescue beetles and try not to even kill bugs if I can help it.
disappointing gift-givers - I know what people generally like and wish for and I like to give things that will please them and be different from what they would have bought themselves. I remember how much I disliked holidays at my house b/c we always had a version of what we wanted, but not exactly what we wanted, so you felt disappointed, but wanted to be grateful.
don't recognize own feelings - I work hard on recognizing my feelings in all situations.
envious and competitive - Again, as a child, I removed myself from all competition as I was always pitted against everyone else by my mother. When my sister got oolder (and even today) I am constantly compared to her. I try to have healthy competitions with my kids now (Let's run, let's swim fast).
feel entitled - I don't think so. But I will have to think about this one a bit.
flirtatious or seductive - I definitely did this a lot in school. Once I met my husband and married (14 years ago) I have been happy only with him.
grandiose - I was as a child and teenager for sure. I am not now. I am learning humitlity in all areas of my life. I do know I am smart and can go overboard with that at times. I think I know a lot of the answers for other people sometimes.
hard to have a good time with - I enjoy being with people and they seem to enjoy being with me.
hate to live alone - I think I could live alone fine, but I love being with my family.
hyper-sensitive to criticism - Yes, my feelings get very hurt.
impulsive - I am impulsive stil at times, but not on a large scale, I don't think.
lack sense of humor - Nope.
naive - Sometimes. I had a hard time seeing the realities of the inner city when I worked there.
passive - I can be. Sometimes I still get afraid of confrontation, but I am getting better.
pessimistic - I am trying to be grateful now for everything I have, which doesn't leave much room for pessimism:)
religious - I am spiritual. I don't know where I fall religion-wise.
secretive - Nope, but AI can keep a secret.
self-contradictory - Sometimes.
stingy - The complete opposite. I sometimes go a bit overboard with this as well.
strange work habits - Nope. Here on time, work hard, play a bit. Do more than is asked of me.
unusual eating habits -Maybe. I have never had an easy time of the weight thing, being reminded of it almost daily for my whole young life...
weird sense of time - Nope. I wish for more time sometimes