Hi, there,
I'm new to this board having recently discovered my long-term b/f (28 years) is more likely than not an N. I always knew something was seriously wrong, even before I heard of NPD (which was when I started to trawl the net for answers, after I was D&D'd) but I clung on to the last, excusing inexcusable behaviour because, despite all the evidence, I thought he could change. I've now lost everything but I'm starting again from scratch, with new hope and understanding. My name comes from my favourite song: "We are angels, we have forgotten our wings, trailing clouds of glory we are remembering". I am remembering the confident, free-spirited person I was before I met my N, and learning how to fly again, much older, and bruised, but a little wiser.
The worst part for me, even worse than losing my home, job, and most of my possessions, is realising that although I have been in a relationship for such a long time, I actually never was in a relationship as the man I loved didn't actually exist.
I am not only sad but also angry about all the years I have wasted. How does anyone ever get over this and trust again?