hi All!! Mmmmm!!! Fud!! Hee hee! Love Gary Larson cartoons! anyway, food for me is definitely a comfort thing. I love starchy carbo laden delites! When I'm depressed I exist on cartons of ice cream, pots of mac and cheese, pastries etc etc. My weight has always been low and find it difficult to gain weight but my cholesterol and blood sugar have certainly been through the roof at times. not healthy!!! I live alone and find it really difficult and most unsatisfying to cook just for myself. I much prefer to cook for others. I shop on a daily basis for fruit, veg, fish etc as I live close to some wonderful shops. Am not very good at doing the stocking up shopping on staples though. Lately have been neglecting myself and not cooking. Too much ordering out despite the expense. great to have the recipes here- really appreciate them! One of my earliest and happiest memories of my N mother is being about four years old, summer, hot with tons of fragrances from fruit trees and garden( my house was part of an old orchard), shelling and eating green peas from the pod! I grew up in the Niagara region of Canada- one of two major growing areas in Canada for fruit, veg and- of course, grapes...wine! I don't know if anyone else relates to this, but i really miss the taste of fruits and veg from my childhood- prior to the hybrid- what I like to call genetically engineered produce- Frankenfood!!! Sigh! I remember tomatoes and fruit so juicy and succulent it makes my mouth water! Hugs, Moira