OK... so Ihaven't heard much from my parents lately... and I wrote and said Hi, haven't heard much from you. All is fine here, yada yada... the kids are doing this and that and so on. A chatty letter. I talked to them on the phone last week. My mother used to write two or three times a week, but for the [past few months has hardly been writing at all. I am not sure if she senses that I feel differently twoard her (my imagination???) or if it is because I am going to visit, or if she just can't be bothered and has other stuff to do. Of course, she is intimately connected to all that goes on with my sister. At any rate, this is the response (partial that I got to my, "Wht's up?" letter...
You're right--I haven't written much lately. Sorry. I will do better. I get anxious when we don't hear from you, too, so we should both try to do better, huh?
She gets axious?????? In three years she has called me three times. I do all the calling. I have called almost every weekend since we moved here to let them talk to the kids, tell them what's new and all.
See, and now I feel ridiculous. Because it doesn't seem like a big deal. Why do I have to overanalyze everything?????????????????????????????????????///