Here for you, Marisa, and praying.
Thanks Storm! That means a lot to me.

Hi Marissa,
Praying here for you, too. As a reformed perfectionist, I recommend a hearty sense of humor when dealing with critical people. One thing is for sure with an N... no matter how hard you try or how much you do, it's never enough, and it's never right. Besides, who wants to disturb the ecological balance of her home by dusting 
You're so RIGHT! And about that balance of the home thing....

I hear you! Just remember a happy mommy is a good mommy and a happy hostess is a great hostess. Be happy even if you find yourself muttering under your breath!
In my quest for barbequed pork perfection, I sprayed charcoal lighter over charcoal that had already been infused with some incendiary. I spent two hours putting out a tree.
Good advice. And I did manage to do that even though I was nervous all day. Oh and that poor tree!

We once bought the generic form of that charcoal and my husband complained that it would not be as good. He placed the grill too close to our house and when he lit the charcoal the flames shot up 3-4 feet. And melted some of the siding on our house.
I'm reminded of that Leonardo DiCaprio film, I think the name of it was, Man In An Iron Mask. One of the lines he said in it was, "I wear the mask, the mask doesn't wear me." Somehow I thought, Marisa's got it under control when you said, "Ok, I'm ready to put on my fake mask." Whatever the case, I hope the dinner went well and that you are feeling empowered through it all.
Thanks Tears! I wasn't sure how well my fake smile would work. But everything went fine!
Hope you were able to be the serene Queen of the Hearth.
And if not, like Sugarre found, humor is a savior!
I spent two hours putting out a tree.
Thanks, Sugarre!
I think sometimes just a private smile and an inner delight--in the grass, the dinner, the sounds of kids, whatever, is what to focus on when you're around's a good way to retreat to the "movie in your own head."
Hope it went well, and let us know either way!
I agree Hops, I'm the queen of "inner delight". That's what got me through my childhood. I didn't grow up with N parents but they were very strict and a little too hard on us at times.
Hugs and prayers. Good luck, I hope it's over quickly for you! seasons
((((((Seasons)))))) Thanks

That is great news Marisa. You kept that boundary up and it kept you safe.
Just remember: never let your guard down for a minute!
Words to live by. ((((((((penelope))))))))
Thank you all for your help and words of advice on this. It really turned out fine. I think my FIL has gotten on to her for things in the past from what I hear and she's a little more careful of how she acts at my home. I didn't speak to her or go to their house for 9 months after a falling out with her last year. She came over to my home telling me that I needed to clean 'right now'. (My floors were dirty because my FIL had been tearing out cabinets in my kitchen before she came) She was terrible that day. I think they know if that happens again I will never go back around them again.
BTW... I don't care if you talk about other things on my thread (Storm and Sugarre). It really doesn't bother me. In fact, I enjoy your funny little stories.