Hi Movinon,
Thanks for sharing this list. I'd never thought about the fact that the feeling words ending in -ed shift the blame to others. Most interesting! One of the most liberating facts I've learned over the past few years is that no one can "make" me feel anything. That's such a simple truth, but it had escaped me for most of my life. For a time, I think I'd shut my feelings down altogether rather than even deal with them, but the stagnation of numbness and living in denial gave the effect of being a zombie

That's a lonely place to be. Only just now I'm learning that feelings are neither good or bad, they simply are. I can choose how to respond to them instead of reacting and allowing them to control me. Just this past week, I had an opportunity to be really embarassed about something dumb I did. My stomach wiggled for a bit as I dealt with the ramifications of having to face a group of people I'd accidentally inconvenienced, but I survived. For once, I was able to forgive myself for not being perfect and actually receive the forgiveness of the group for my own carelessness. OK... well, I brought them all donuts, as well, as a peace offering ~ lol. Anyhow, it wasn't a huge deal because I didn't blow it all out of proportion and tell myself a whole line of negative rhetoric about what a fool I was to make such a mistake. Sometimes it feels like growing up all over again, going through adolescence and all. But I'd rather experience this than to be hollow and dead inside. Besides, my view of God as He's revealed Himself to me in His Word is that He's an emotional God. I believe that part of our being made in His image is the fact that we have emotions, too. I sure don't want to waste any good gift that He's given me

Umm... sorry if I'm talking too much. Feels good to share, though. It's been a long time. Thanks for listening.