bean pointed out that I was adding on to an older thread that our friend, Serge, had pulled up for us.
This is what I had written:
I overdo the loyalty thing too... and also with employers. And I have this thing where I will never ask anyone for any help, but I am always in line to be the first one to help anyone else. I feel shamed if I ever need anything. I will find any way to do something by myself, even if it hurts me. In the past, I have truly made it to the 'bitter end' of friendships and work situations, almost always completely to my detriment, before throwing int he towel. I don't know what makes me do this. And why can't I be gracious about help from others?
Yes, I am working on this. First, I am in recovery and that involves quite a humbling experience of asking for help. I try, once in a while to allow others to do a small thing for me (watch the kids for an hour, lend me a CD, really not too many other things...) but I end up feeling so bad about it that I feel like I have to give them back something MORE. I know this is not right. I like helping people, so why wouldn't they like to help me out once in a while??????