I guess what I am wondering is why I can't think of nice, appropriate things to say at the time. Everyone always writes such nice things. All I can ever think of is Best Wishes. Maybe it isn't strange. I just feel like it is.
Nice things were not said in my family. Best Wishes were not even said in my family. It is not that they never talked or always said bad, mean things. They just never wished anyone good luck, or have a good time, or I love you. They sure as heck never said "I'll miss you." Not just to me--I mean to anyone.
One of my aunts who lived 800 miles away was visiting one time and at the dinner table she said, "Have you ever noticed in this family, if anyone walks up to us to give us a hug, we take a step back?" Everyone just sat there and looked at her like she was speaking a foreign language. But it was true.
There was just never any nurture in that family.