Author Topic: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)  (Read 6383 times)


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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2006, 01:33:38 PM »
Good thought, Sugarre.
Sure makes sense to me.



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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2006, 01:48:11 PM »
Dear Mud:

I 'really' hope no one 'seeks' me out to give me a 'portion' of their mind.

That sounds like a good way to avoid.........mud wrestling!!

 :D Sela


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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2006, 03:34:02 PM »
Hi Portia,

I realize this conversation doesn't directly involve me, but I am curious, anyway...what is your goal in asking Stormy if she's

gathering a group

and telling her:

No you’re not sorry at all Storm.

in response to her posting:

I am really sorry, everyone.

I would really like to know what kind of information you're looking for. Because, best as I can tell, Stormy's 'we' includes all of us, 'we' being the board. imho, that is obvious, and I read no implication as to anything else. So far as I know, Stormy had no reason to say "I am really sorry" if she didn't feel that way. I guess I don't understand why you would contradict her on the topic of her own feelings?

I guess the part I'm most puzzled about, is that, personally, I don't see evidence of this assertion:

I like clarity and truth and compassion and love and peace. I don’t like manipulation.

in your initial post. Especially in light of the fact that Stormy has previously admitted, publicly, a reluctance to speak to you again here.   



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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2006, 05:32:27 PM »
Hi Bean

I think you're referring to Reallyme calling me an N once? 

Yes I was.

I'm not seeker, if that's what you're implying.

I wondered but didn't know. Very glad to hear you're not! Thank you for telling me and us that. I appreciate that a lot.

Hi LoH

I've been thinking about your post. I wonder if you want me to reply, or you wanted to make your views known and a reply from me isn't necessary? I don't mind either way. I feel you're ....disappointed maybe? Confused? Not sure how you feel about this. I'm happy to talk about how my posts have affected you; I don't really want to discuss what I said to Storm with you, if that's okay with you. I don't think that would be fair somehow. I don't know, it would feel wrong.

Night all.


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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2006, 07:46:10 PM »
I was concerned about Seeker and also thought maybe RM was guessing that she was Bean.  I went and looked up Seeker's posts all in a row and it cleared things up for me--it was quite obvious from the posts that Seeker is an up front participant in the board and not posing.  She just doesn't post a lot.

Seeker, I'm sorry to be speaking about you in the third person.  I wanted to give an example of a way to mitigate suspicion when it crops up.  So, I looked up your posts and remembered your story again.  Actually I've done this a few times when I started to forget someone's story.  There is so much happening here at any one time that it is easy to forget who is who.  Or maybe I'm just quite absentminded  :shock: .


"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2006, 09:10:49 PM »
Hi Bean,

I understand you didn't ask for an answer.  But you do bring up a lot of valid points.  So, I want to explain my point of view.  The reason I thought RM was accusing you of being Seeker was because of the previous debate between you and RM.  I thought when she said she knew who Seeker was she was referring to you.  Put it together with what happened when freedom1 appeared here for a few days and it was a matter of previous experience leading to a possibility.  That is why I decided to read Seeker's posts--so I could see what her story was.  It became obvious to me right away that Seeker is a geniune member of this board.  I am sorry I fell into paranoid thinking.  But I did resolve any question in my own mind in a non-accusatory way.  It was a good learning experience for me and my own worrisome way of looking at things.  I don't like to worry about things happening that are not happening.  But I obviously needed to learn a way to be rational.  And that is how I did it.  When people clash here it does effect the by-standers.  Maybe in some subtle ways.  And it does seem like I wasn't the only one with questions.

I'm not sure there is a simple way to resolve some conflicts since we can not do things in person here.  Without a face to attach to each personality then mistakes like this could be more likely.  Or again, maybe that is just me being absent-minded.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2006, 09:45:25 PM »
Hi bean,

I used the word debate to be tactful.  I'm not even so sure what to call it.  There were a lot feelings, that's for sure.  And I do think you're wise to not try to be friends with RM anymore.  I don't think you are responsible for all discord here.  Each person here is responsible for their own feelings, their own take on things, their own words.

It takes me a long time to get to know people.  Both in 3-D life and here.  It is probably taking me a long time to get to know myself.  Your posts are helping me with that as are the posts of the other members.  I will continue to read your posts with interest and also hope to be able to have some back and forth with you if you also want the same thing.  Because I do learn from you.

I have taken breaks from here myself.  It was mostly necessary for me to get my head together.  Had some a-ha's to absorb.   But sometimes it was because I didn't have anything to say.  But I keep coming back.  And each time I do, it feels like some growth has occurred.  I'm guessing you have experienced healing here too.  Just something about this place....

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2006, 05:50:20 AM »

Now, I'm staying clear of reallyme and people like her (Portia is starting to make we wonder) cause I got better things to do, like focus on my healing. That's why I'm here.  Not to create drama

You’re making an attack on Portia and saying you’re not here to create drama?

What do you mean by
(Portia is starting to make we wonder)

If you have something to say about me, how about saying it to my face, to me, and being honest, upfront and direct about it?


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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2006, 06:03:56 AM »

This wasn’t for me:

It became obvious to me right away that Seeker is a geniune member of this board.  I am sorry I fell into paranoid thinking.

but I’d like to comment. I’ve been through a fair few paranoid loops about members. I’m trying not to assume anything these days and boy is that difficult! Yes, very very difficult.

I don’t know anything evidential (I mean backed up by facts that can be verified in the real world) about the vast majority of members here. I’m trying not to assume anything – that includes what I might judge to be evidence of a genuine member, if you see what I mean? I.e. how do I judge that??

I tend towards the sceptical, depressive realist position. Sometimes I go a bit mad and go to the other extreme – and trust gullibly, without any good evidence. I guess balance is good! I think trust in someone’s persona here grows over time: if a member behaves in a consistent manner, I’m more likely to trust them, the more I see of them.

Please don’t be sorry you fell into that thinking as you put it. Admitting you have that thinking – and doing something to satisfy your curiosity/scepticism (?) is good I think.

In this kind of cyberland I don’t see how anyone can be expected to completely trust another member’s persona unless they’ve been around to their house for tea and cake. I’m exaggerating there just to make the point. I do trust people here and I’m a realist too. It’s balance again!


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Re: Cycles of Conflict # 2 (fun, free & unlocked)
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2006, 07:13:42 AM »

interesting 3rd post on your thread, particularly:

There is also a paradox associated with splitting, as I see it: when you've split someone off as all bad, you still can't seem to 'let go' of them. Not really... there's always that longing to 'check'... But if you stop splitting, and give them back all the facets of their personality, it becomes much easier to give up on them - for a while, or forever, if necessary - when that is the only way forward. How can this be? Shouldn't it be easier to 'write someone off' if you regard them as purely bad?

It works the way it does because once you stop splitting, you are no longer carrying part of their personality within yourself. You're no longer enmeshed. You have returned to them what is theirs, good as well as bad; your integrity and theirs - in the sense of wholeness - is restored; and that makes it easier for you to own what is yours, separately, and do what you need to do to protect it.

Yes, war can only happen when you make your enemy all bad and you think you know that you are ‘right’.

When we see people as people and not enemies, when we see ourselves as people and not Gods, we might be able to get real, or at least a little closer to reality.

One question or ponder-point, when you say “and do what you need to do to protect it” I wonder what you mean or how this would sound. I think sometimes in protecting what is ours, we protect ourselves against imagined threats – possible enemies – and that builds up our unrealistic thinking. I guess it’s easy to see the theory but in practice, we’re all only human and fallible.

I got a bit lost in the next part – are you describing what is basically ‘divide and rule’ tactics? I wanted to ask:

In my reading I find this type of triangulation commonly described as a favorite pastime of people with specific diagnoses, and as though it only happens in an inpatient setting [patients playing staff members off one another].

What specific diagnosis - anti-social? Or what I used to call ‘being a right bastard’ when I saw it used by my bosses in the past? I mean, I've seen this and it stinks. The only way out of it is to leave, refuse to talk (document everything), or kill your boss (yes I am joking). The only way out is to leave. If you can wait until the bastard does something against employment law, then you can achieve some money in the process (usually not in tribunal or court, but through simple fear on the company's part). But it can take so long to reach that point and in the meantime, your brain is turning into a mess and your vital organs are giving you warnings (heart in my case). Yes, divide and rule, bully a scapegoat on the side and screw all the young female staff you can convince you're God to - my ex-boss and he wasn't even bright. In IQ terms he was dim, but as a street-fighter, not bad. What a jerk.