Hi everyone,
Thought I would introduce myself, I am 24/f/australia, and its just hit me, like a speeding train that I have an N mother...still trying to get my head around it all, but feeling as though I am a little less crazy than I once thought....She has been an incredibly destructive force in my life, and I have only just made the decision a week ago that she no longer has a <pyhsical>place in my life. I do have some very big concerns about my own two children...are the narcissistic behavious learned and passed on down through the generations? I am becoming more aware of some of the behavious I exhibit toward my own little boys, and can say that I have pulled myself up on a few occasions, wondering whether I learned these things from my own mother...I am also so grateful for having read the articles on giving your child a voice...this was something that I instincively knew, in regards to my own children, but allowed my mother to manipulate and control the situation around to what she thought was apropriate(she ain't exactly mother of the year!)