Okay, forgive me posting 3 times in a row here, but I want to share nice things (and I really, really don't want to be here in my lonesome office!)
This is a sad thing that has nice things buried in it. A good friend has ovarian cancer and got the news at the end of the week that it's spread, nothing to do. Four of us met at her house Saturday afternoon to help her think about options, ways of going forward for as long as she can. One took notes, one who knows a lot about alternative healing suggested juicing (she can't eat much solid as it's in her colon), I'm lending her my VitaMix (a thing you could blend hammers with and not miss a nutrient), one is coordinating her visitors, we all suggested affirmations including funny ones, we helped her choose between two chemotherapy drugs (it's the only thing that's ever slowed it before so she does want to try it again), we planned a phone tree, her partner said she wanted to light a candle in church with my support, and we listed things like funny movies, dancing every day, tons of water, focusing in the moment and using her best energy to paint, and we ended up by standing in a circle around her with our eyes closed and sort of beaming light into her, which was very moving. They both were at church yesterday and though emotional seemed lifted up by the community (which is an ongoing nice thing in my weekends). It will be tough going ahead, but we'll be there for her.
Saturday night I went to a birthday party for another church friend, hubby of my good new friend who also has an NMom (major validation, this friendship)...and he, Bob, is very goofy and wonderful. It was Bob's Big Bratwurst and Bocce Birthday Bash. I gave him a nice harmonica, which revived my desire to have one myself, so I'm going back to the music store to get one.
I was lay leader yesterday morning and it was one of those: welcome new babies, acknowledge the fifth graders who will now be in the adult services, and present the graduating high schoolers with roses and books and pins and do a little ceremony about how we love them and are with them as they go forward. So I got to look at lots of baby faces, and young child faces, and teenaged faces, and they were all sweet and wonderful. And I didn't screw up as I had the last time (flying in 10 minutes late and trying to crawl across the front as though it was a planned entrance, for which I got grief all day).
After church one of my dearest friends from another state I lived in 12 years ago came through with her hubby (they're hiking the Appalachian trail). So I took them to lunch and on a tourist tour, and we went to some beautiful spots and saw a "hummingbird bee" I'd never ever seen before, and they came by to meet Mom and fuss over my dog, and it was joyful to see them.
Yup. Great weekend! Thanks for starting this thread, Write.