Hi dabwonde,
I can only echo what everyone else has posted to you. Welcome and may you find peace, healing and strength to go on to enjoy a much better, happier, healthier life from now on.
My classmates at school are mobbing me...I am a pariah that they won't even acknowledge.
I'm sorry this is happening now. It sounds awful and like you might feel singled out and bullied? That's not very nice to experience, as if you haven't been through enough already?
I didn't do anything about it..didn't report it or confront her. The intimidation worked...I am silenced. And exhausted.
Do you believe you "should" have reported it/confronted her?
One thing about intimidation.......it's quite paralysing, I find. It's fear that does the real work, imo, and causes that exhausted feeling.
Truly.....think about it.....what do you really have to fear from these oafs?
They're behaviour sounds like that of irresponsible goofs, who don't have a clue?
Ok......so they let the air out of your tire and ordered you around. I'm trying to imagine your fear.
What do you fear most?
What do think they could do next?
It's hard to go there, sometimes, but it can help to think of the worst, make a plan, and then forget about it (because the chances of the worst possible thing happening......are very slim, actually).
Big large huge hug to you. You've come a long way. You are doing great in school!! Congratulations on being an A student!!
You are older and wiser than some of these other students. They may envy you? Maybe, because of the age difference, they see you as similar to some other authority figures in their lives? Possibly....not the nicest authority figures (not because you're not nice but because they've had not nice experiences....maybe??).
Who knows why they're acting the way they are?
All I know is war doesn't work. I wonder if there is a way to communicate with them as to let them know that you are not the enemy? I don't know. I always want stuff to work out nicely and that doesn't always happen but sometimes it does. I hope so, in your case. How much time do you have left with this group of students? It won't last forever, that's one thing to keep in mind!