I could really relate to what you said about being more "guy-like" in your attitude toward sexual innuendo, jokes and maybe to sex in general. I, too, enjoy talking about it, really enjoy doing it, and now that I am in my mid-50's, feel free to experience both more than ever before. I certainly wouldn't do that inappropriately, but with my b/f or certain g/f's, we do enjoy discussing it.
I was molested at age 9 and date-raped at 16--I never told my parents about either experience. I don't know how much that has to do with it. Sex was never discussed in my household and I never saw my father in anything but boxer shorts. Touching never happened in my home, so I know I sought that outside the home as a teenager and young adult and probably why I married so young the first time.
If there are any psychologists lurking here, I'm sure this is great fodder.