Author Topic: Done Defending Myself  (Read 1313 times)


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Done Defending Myself
« on: June 21, 2006, 07:40:44 AM »
I am finished trying to defend myself on this board.  It's not worth it to me, seriously.

I am who I am.  I love/like myself.  God loves me.  My closest friends love me.  I really don't need the approval or love or even liking from people on here, so that shows me that I guess I was just getting bored and wanted people to pay attention to me, like I did when I was a little kid.  Actually, I have all the positive attention, accountability, etc, that I need from those closest to me.

It's just not worth my time nor effort anymore to tell about who I am, only to have people doubt or scorn.  I'm better than this.  When I don't post, nobody talks to me anyway, yet when I slip out from lurking and dare to say anything, BAM! In come the lions and vultures.  So, I'll be here, but be scarce in my entries.


P.S.  My statement of my name on here ReallyME, was not because I didn't know who I really am, but because I was finally able to BE WHO I AM in spite of having my identity stripped by someone.


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Re: Done Defending Myself
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 07:55:38 AM »
Morning Laura

I think your post is a pretty good self-affirming statement. Lots of positive strong truths in there. Good!

I felt sad when I read:

When I don't post, nobody talks to me anyway,

Maybe you’ll feel less alone with this if I say, it’s the same for me too, and probably the same for all us.

When I don’t post, people don’t talk to me. I think that’s okay. If I’m not posting, I think it’s okay for folks to think I’m taking time out, or I want to be quiet for a while, or maybe I’m just too busy?

It’s reciprocal. If you post, others will. If you ask me how I am, I’ll ask you (if I’m not being selfish at that moment, or as long as I don’t have some major crisis that I want to talk to you about and bend your ear for an hour).

Lions and vultures. Are they really?

I have all the positive attention, accountability, etc, that I need from those closest to me.

I probably have this too but I still don’t understand myself as much as I’d like to. I still have problems relating to other people, I still have huge problems understanding other people and here, I feel like I’m learning how to get along with them without feeling like I’m either under attack or being too aggressive (my problems).

It kind of works like this for me; if I get interested in other people, their problems and ways of thinking, then I learn stuff about me.

Remember when you arrived here? I learned how to keep my mouth shut about my views and so on and instead listened to you. I learned that your beliefs are dear to you and I learned to respect that. I also learned that you can believe whatever you do, and that I am free to think differently without challenging you. I don’t have to challenge you. That was a valuable lesson for me!

Since I started being interested in other people, and how different they are to me, I can honestly say I’m never bored these days. Boredom is no more, and that’s great.

So how are your studies going? They sounded fascinating last you spoke about them.


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Re: Done Defending Myself
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 08:51:07 AM »
Hi Really,
I think I've responded to this mostly on your other thread.
If it was any of my questions that made you feel this way, please accept my apology.

I certainly don't doubt or scorn you. I didn't mean for any of my questions to make you feel that way, and I feel badly that you're feeling hurt.

I am very interested in you! You remind me of people from my past who were very important to me even when I didn't completely understand them.

I am glad you have good relationships in 3-D world, and hope you'll keep on here. I think it's taken a lot of guts and persistence and curiosity for you to keep trying to connect.

Don't let anybody shut you up, including a very tired and not very helpful Hops. And I'd love to hear about your studies too...the cross-cultural class sounds like such a revelation. Are you still enjoying it?



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Re: Done Defending Myself
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2006, 02:45:02 PM »
Hi Laura ,I do not understand why do you feel like you need to defend yourself .You are wonderful whole, great right now.I think you should be done defending yourself there is no need for you to do so.So how are your classes.
And your girls.Also RM I had a fight with Mr moon we made up but some times hes a stinker well so am I so we made up.But I did not make up right away just because.............Oh well Thats being human We all said we are sorry.
I want to get out and find out about womens assertive classes but I have a dentist appt tomorrow .So let me know whats going on.


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Re: Done Defending Myself
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2006, 10:00:33 PM »

Morning Laura

Lions and vultures. Are they really?

They can be at times.

Remember when you arrived here?

How could I forget it :)

So how are your studies going? They sounded fascinating last you spoke about them.

I really enjoy my Intercultural Communication class.  It's interesting to hear about the customs of other places, to see that, although they have beliefs different than what I call the TRUTH, they are still people in their own right.  We are all very much a product of our environment and our upbringing.  People just fascinate me, in general.

Hops: If it was any of my questions that made you feel this way, please accept my apology.
I certainly don't doubt or scorn you. I didn't mean for any of my questions to make you feel that way, and I feel badly that you're feeling hurt.

Awww thanks, Hoppy.  I appreciate your feelings.  I never had a real problem with you.

I am glad you have good relationships in 3-D world, and hope you'll keep on here. I think it's taken a lot of guts and persistence and curiosity for you to keep trying to connect.

Yes.  I agree.

Don't let anybody shut you up, including a very tired and not very helpful Hops. And I'd love to hear about your studies too...the cross-cultural class sounds like such a revelation. Are you still enjoying it?

Yes, so much that I'm taking a class taught by the same teacher, next semester...InterPERSONAL Communications.

Hi Laura ,I do not understand why do you feel like you need to defend yourself .You are wonderful whole, great right now.I think you should be done defending yourself there is no need for you to do so.


I'm going to give that a shot...that "not defending myself" thing.

So how are your classes.

Great, Enjoyable

And your girls..

My 20 year old is going through rebellion, trying to find herself,

My 16 year old works at our restaurant and hangs with church friends

My 12 year old is homeschooled and could earn the World's Record for LONGEST SLEEPER

My 6 year old is doing what she does best...charming the socks off everyone she meets.
