Yes, Nic, I understand. I hope I didn't offend you, but I just hated where I was forced to live. Rather, hated who I had to live with.
My house was a very unsafe place emotionally. I have said to Nmother that all thru Jr. High and High School I expected my stepfather to molest me...was always a nervous wreck...and--if he had--Nmother would have blamed me! It was almost a classically codependent home where the mother turns against the victim and sides with the abuser.
Luckily, I had a big mouth (surely, nobody here should be surprised at that?!!) and think he was scared of what I might say/do. I had already made a pact with myself that if he tried anything, I would tell...tell...tell...even if he threatened me. And I would have.
It was a hard childhood.
The joke is nobody at school ever knew or suspected. I was popular, bright--one of those students who is so smart but is totally unmotivated. The teachers worried about me, and would call home time to time.
When you are worried about SURVIVAL, you don't care about grades (Maslow's heirarchy of needs). Some suspected "something" wasn't right, I know. But Nmother--the Midwest Distributor for Codependency--would lie, lie, lie and defend that piece of shit she was married to; and, somehow, I ALWAYS became the "problem" because, surely, it wasn't the freak she was married to. Or I was making things up and lying, she would tell people. Lots of horrible memories.
Guess we both made it out somehow.....Take care!