I was reading Highlights with my kids this morning, and for some reason, one of the little stories jumped up and pushed me into a weird memory corner...
When I was three or four, we lived in the South and had neighbors who drove one of those VW vans...My parents, of course "hated the damned hippies" (they hated everyone else too, but had different reasons for each family). At any rate, the little girl at the house next door asked me if I wanted to eat dinner there. I went and aksed my parents and they said, "Did they ask you." My friend said to say yes. When I got over there, the parents said, "No." I was terrified. I didn't know whether to sit outside until dinner time passed or what to do... truth is, I don't remember what I did do. But I remember being that scared a lot... I lost a book in middle school, and rather than telling my parents, I skipped lunch for a month to pay for it...
I can't imagine my kids being terrified to tell me anything... no less something so little.
I am sure others of you had that reaction too. Do you think it's because the "punishments" were so harsh and because we never knew how they were going to react.
Anyone have a story??? An idea????
Love, Beth