Well, it has been a couple of days since I sent the email to my nmom. She asked if we could talk in her office. We went in and the frustration began!!! I told her it only seemed prudent in light of our therapy which confirmed we were at an impasse, and the fact that we are going to sell, that I get another job. Then she proceeded to tell me that she thought that I was going to continue therapy to help me learn to work with her. She told me she couldn't back off at work unless I did, A, B, C, D, and E...and I said NO!! You are setting me up for failure. In essence saying if I meet your criteria, THEN you will back off. Well I will NEVER meet her criteria so she will never back off. I told her I cannot continue to work with her and if I find something I will leave. Well, this obvious lack of control bothered her. So I said, "If you are truly trying to sell the business, then this should only make sense to you." Well, I know she is going through the motions. She has no interest in selling. She is just trying to appease me. Then I told her if I had my way we would make the bookkeeper the general manager...............and you should have seen the grimace on her face!!! I called her on the grimace and she said (through her gritted teeth) that there was no way the bookkeeper would ever be GM because she is only a bookkeeper (wrong!!) So I just sighed and said, I am looking for jobs and when a good one comes, I am out of here. She complained about not having meetings, etc. I told her I was meetinged out!! I was so sick of sitting around talking about the problems at work. Now, I just need the DM to call me and tell me when the new DM and RVP are coming through town. I know this waiting is killing me but I really am giving it up. I wonder if my nmom might throw in the towel (doubt it) somehow. She seemed a little worried about me leaving. I told her if we wanted to salvage any part of our relationship, I needed to NOT work with her. I cannot tell you how many times I have told her this. I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall when I have any interchanges with her!!!