Hi Kelly,
Your work situation sounds like a stressful nightmare to bear. Painful, bad for your self-esteem, a matter of swallowing emotional sh*& daily. I can't imagine how exhausting this would feel. I hope the love and support of your other family is pulling you through.
I think Jac asked a really important question:
I keep saying to myself, "But how much is your peace of mind worth?"
Do you really think the money is worth what it's costing you? More than your self-esteem, and daily happiness?
I cannot keep doing this!! It makes me crazy. It's like a self fullfilling prophecy. I am constantly put down by my Nmom - therefore my self esteem suffers and I continue to feed this fat and ugly body to somehow fit the mold that my Nmom has set for me!! I know it in my mind but for some reason I just can't seem to break free from the condemnation!!!!!!
Twelve years of this? Personally, I couldn't last a week. It sounds like your Mom has tremendous power over how you see yourself, and you hold her responsible for your weight. I'm not sure how that will change, short of some distance between the two of you?
I have pretty successfully severed the emmeshment with her(which my mom has used to control, etc...............) but time to grow up and live outside of her orbit.
Do you really think this can happen while you're under her control daily at work? We all need to vent once in a while. iimho, venting means letting it out so it blows away. If every day at work requires 'venting' then you're not letting it out; you're stuck in a loop.
You've said you're scared, and beside yourself with grief and anger. What kind of a toll does it take to live with that? I don't mean to scare you, but I have concern for you, Kelly, and especially your kids. This kind of stress can have lifelong health repercussions.
My anxiety and sadness are overwhelming me. I can feel the frown on my face!! I mean............I cannot smile. I am not PMSing. I am just so sad right now. Maybe because I realize that I am living in the midst of hopelessness along with voicelessness!
Maybe this would be a good time to listen to yourself, what feels best in your heart and head for you. It sounds like a good part of your day is spent with people who encourage your voicelessness. What do you most want for
Kelly, right now?
I'm not a parent, I don't know the pressure of trying to provide for children financially. But I can't imagine it would be good for them if you drive yourself into the ground waiting for an inheritance, in the end, that's contingent on your mother's whim.
imho, all we have is the present, today. For what it's worth, I'd wish you happy days and a peaceful heart now, with your children.
Good thoughts to you Kelly,
PS - if it helps to know where I'm coming from, I lost my inheritance/a trust fund from my GM by asking for a healther relationship with my N. father. At 32, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness largely brought on by work-related stress. I only regret the latter.