Write, I don't mean to change the subject.
no, that's fine- it's just a chatty thread, it's so lovely to hear everyone's different experiences ( happy and sad ) and to feel validated in what are probably 'silly' things to worry about to people who haven't had traumas or who aren't so sensitive about these things.
Yesterday was probably a great day for him doing what he loved so much. But how very sad to have it end like that.
an old friend of ours died on his fast motorcycle a few months ago, it was comforting to know he was doing what he loved, he was always a daredevil. We took him to see the bullriding here and he loved it!
I spent that time with a guest who had lost her husband to a heart attack maybe six weeks earlier, but still wanted to be there - she couldn't quite hold it together for the dinner, and I went with her to a Little Chef, and asked for the story of her beloved's last days, and how they met... my we were overdressed for the place... my it did her good to talk, without feeling guilty... then she dropped me off for the dancing
Beautiful. The Dalai Lama says 'if you want to make people happy, practice compassion; if you want to be happy, practice compassion.' It makes my heart leap to think of you sitting there, she divulging confidences from her life, animated as she talks, and you enjoying her unburdening....priceless.
I just read this by Ella Wheeler Wilcox:
"So many gods, so many creeds,
So many paths that wind and wind,
While just the art of being kind
Is all the sad world needs."
Hope you've met lots more welcoming folks than not? A close friend moved to Austin last year and says arrogant 'patriotism' is common in Texas; outside of Austin, she often gets looks/comments just for saying she's from the East.
most of my friends aren't from here, fortunately it's a very multi-cultural city.
A lot of Texas people sadly are deeply unpleasant when you get to know them- the religion and politics and patriotism isn't good and healthy but often ugly and harsh.
Sexism, racism and a sense of entitlment and attachment to material possessions, and a lack of appreciation of just how much they truly have.
I find if I do make a friend who is from TX they are very well-travelled and have seen other ways of life.
Austin is TX liberal enclave.
I imagine people form middle-eastern or any olive-skinned race are now regarded with suspicion as 'communists' once were...there is an obsession here with terrorism now.
I would like to put out here that I will for five minutes a day be still in my mind and my body. 5 mins seems like a long time............wish me luck.
you could start with a couple of minutes twice a day, then build it up?
I find when I am agitated it is so difficult to meditate or breathe slowly.
I am learning I hate the TV too, all the noise and clatter, I just love solitude and peace.
Walking can be a great way to get that.
Good luck, I think it's a good thing to focus on.
What do you usually do with your hair and what does the right look mean to you? Do you work with its nature or do you do things to it to "improve" upon it?
I've done both- changed it drastrically at times, but now I tend to just cut with it and though I've been a redhead for a few years ( I love red hair! ) I am thinking some blonde highlights would be good, the sun is fierce here and as I said the grey seems to have gone and it looks sort-of different lighter strands now.
I'm not very good with styles that require a lot of maintenance and it just occured to me- since I hate noise it's probably the hairdryer which I like to use minimally ( or not at all most days )