Hiya all
Just thought I'd share this with you.... this is my bio N-dads recent post, and I just wondered if N's behaviour with their pets is different to how other people treat their pets..... What do you think?
Dogs will often show you up, but never let you down
As many now know, I got a boat primarily to have somewhere to take my dog into the countryside. He is now used to being on riverbanks etc. and will usually just lie around on the grass.
However he does have one unacceptable behaviour; occasionally he runs up to people barking. This is to try to get quarry to chase, or protect the area. If he did it often I could get someone to help me so I could stop him, but he will go 3 months or so before doing it again sometimes, so it is difficult to arrange.
The other day at Chapel Hill he did it to a couple with a Rottie, they had not had for long. Being a rough type he came over demanding I put him on the lead. Now I KNOW I was in the wrong, but as this defeats the object of being there, and Barney IS harmless I denied. We'd had a good trip and this was spoiling the day, plus we found the boat of my friend who recently died was sinking, due to the bilge pump packing up, so had my hands full anyway.
The upshot was I got angry and went over shouting as well. BUT in the end we all calmed down, shook hands, and I'd shown them their dog was not the beast they thought, and was offered a pint the next time I was in the pub.
The next day I was at home and walked in the lovely weather along the riverbank. A Munckjack deer ran along the top of the Bank, missed by Barney who was down near the river. Anyway I called him to me and had got the lead ready, told him it was a dog (he wasn't fooled, it was dinner) and of course after trotting up to it, was chasing it. He ran up and down for a bit, before following it over the dyke. This was covered in weed, otherwise I don't think he would have done, however he ended up looking for it in a field of sheep. I was terrified. Sheep were scattering everywhere, however I had almost caught up on the other side and called him. He was distracted long enough, and single minded enough to continue to look for the deer. The sheep flocked to the other end of the field, and Barney ran up and down looking for the deer, then a way back to me, but he couldn't get back. He could get through the electric fence, and I even got him to come through the wire, but he would not cross the dyke.
Shortly another dog walker I know came along, and stayed with Barney while I walked nearly half a mile to the bridge and through 2 fields, one with cows, to go and get him. I dropped him (put him in the down) and when I got there he had stood up, but the other man said he had just watched me all the way back.
All the years of work, and the shows where you have to get your dog to retrieve next to rabbits, chickens etc. in pens paid off in those few minutes, as without that I am sure he would have chased the sheep, with the inevitable consequence.....probably loosing his life. Doesn't bare thinking about.
If only dog suitable dog training classes were compulsory for all dog owners.