Jac wrote:
I think, Adrift, if you recognized for your Daughter, the name of the game is control you will be in a better place emotionally. If she can control those around her - how close they get to her (because it's so scary); how much attention she gets (a lot when I'm acting bad and crazy because deep inside I feel I am bad and crazy) then she feels safe. Remember, inside your daughter does not feel she deserves good treatment (that is why she encourages bad treatment and reinforces it with her bad behavior) she does not feel she deserves to be loved (that's why she only has relationships with men who treat her badly.)
HUH????????? I mean, I understand the words you used, I just don't understand how she can feel "safe" by reinforcing "bad and crazy" behaviour. I know that people "teach others how to treat them" and that she has low self-esteem (she's admitted as much) and that's why she lets guys walk all over her,,,,,,,,,,,,but I'm still just plain struggling with the whole thing.
I think, because it's worked in my life, once you disconnect from the need (not from you daughter) but from the need to get the response you'd like out of her, you will begin to see things in a whole different light.
I think you are right!! I'm learning to let go of any fantasies and hopes I had about she and I being close and I'm learning to just accept life as it is. I don't understand why she doesn't feel comfortable with people being "close" to her, but I believe you hit the nail on the head there. And you are totally correct about the control, although I don't understand her desperate need for that either. She has made new friends (and has managed to maintain those friendships for a number of months now) and is so close to them, but yet rejects us

((Well, I guess she is close to them, she talks about them all the time but I've only met a few of them)) But that is o.k., I'm learning to accept that. We can pick our friends but we can't pick our families, right?? I'm very thankful that DD2 and I really click--she and I are so much a like and
SHE LIKES ME AND LIKES BEING WITH ME---AND SHE'S 14!!!--what a huge difference from her sister. DS is a joy as well. I'm sure I've mentioned he has Down Syndrome and he's just the lovingest, sweetest child. DD1 always seemed to love him so much, but she never comes home to see him and doesn't even ask about him most the times when she calls. I guess she's just so caught up in her own life she doesn't have room for the rest of us. It's sad, though, because DD2 and DS love her so much (not exactly sure why) and she does't have time for them.

Maybe if I give you an example of how my MIL acts this will give you more info so that you can help me understand DD1. My MIL has always treated my FIL as if he is dirt. I've been married into this family for nearly 21 years and I've never heard her praise him, compliment him, never seen her treat him with love, kindness, concern, etc........ She publicly and privately berates him and it is EMBARASSING! which is why no one wants to be around them. My FIL is a smart man, had a good job with lots of responsibility, was head deacon in the church for years, salt of the earth kind of fella, honest as the day is long, kind, gentle, understanding--------the kind of husband many women would love to have and yet he married and has put up with this emotional abuse for almost 50 years. MIL is very haughy, always has been, and she thinks she knows everything and she puts FIL down constantly telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about while the rest of us secretly roll our eyes because she's SO wrong about whatever the subject matter is. She's an idiot and everyone who knows her knows it ----except for her. Why does no one stand up to her?? Because she'll begin to cry and then make FIL's life miserable once they get home. I stood up to her once about 10 years ago and she and I verbally gave each other "what for". She cried for 2 weeks, FIL made my DH come over to their house a number of times to talk to her and calm her down and explain to her that everything was gonna be o.k. I didn't threaten the woman in anyway,,,,I just simply told her that if she had something to say about me to say it to my face and not to DH and that I was tired of being put down by her in front of the family and from there she named every bad quality of mine she could think of. I countered with my own list of her bad qualities and I guess no one has stood up to her for so long she was shocked beyond belief. Would you believe my FIL (with whom I've always gotten along with wonderfully) was actually peeved with me for a while?? He didn't say so but I could tell by the way he acted. I don't know if it was because I upset the apple cart or because her weeks of crying made his life so much more misearable. Anway, that was years ago and she hasn't crossed me since and in fact treats me with much more respect than she does her own daughter. A few weeks ago my FIL was horribly sick with a virus and I called to ask if I needed to bring him anything and all MIL could do was bitch about how he'd been throwing up and how horrible he sounded when he did (the sound bothered her) and how she had to Lysol every room in the house so she wouldn't get sick. I asked again if he was o.k. and did I need to bring some gatorade or anything and again all she could talk about was her having to spray lysol!!!!!!!

She can't live without this man and yet she cares nothing for his welfare. And when I say she can't live without him, it's because he does the following: all the cooking, all the cleaning, pays all the bills (she cries if she has to write a check---she gets nervous

), he drives her to every dr. appointment (she can't drive anymore) , he does all the grocery shopping, he bathes her, he dresses her, he even wipes her butt on a regular occassion because she can't control herself

, and she walks with a walker. She's an invalid of her own making because she loves being doted on 1000%. She falls all the time, yet has never broken a bone---how can they be true falls if she's yet to break anything???????? Then she'll have FIL drive them to go out to dinner and she'll recount her fall to whomever is around to listen!!!!!!!!!
Oh, I should add she wasn't nearly this bad when DD1 was young and spent time with them.....but MIL has always been terribly bossy to FIL and treated him with no love or concern at all. One time years ago MIL said about FIL, in a very haughy manner, "I know he loves me, I KNOW he does" ---it was really weird, kinda like how a criminal would brag on how perfectly he had executed a crime---with only pride but no conscience. So I wonder if MIL keeps FIL jumping through the hoops to this day (and the hoops become more numbered by the year) just to prove to herself that he loves her----not that she knows what love is. FIL told me years ago that if something happens to him to just put her in a nursing home because no one else could do to suite her----well, neither can he. He needn't worry, I'm sure she'll outlive him because he's stressed to the point of breaking now and she's totally clueless as to how precariously her life hangs. When he's gone, she'll be placed somewhere and no one will ever visit her, because no one, not even her own kids or grandkids, like her.
I used to really like my FIL a lot and felt sorry for him and then decided that she is his Frankenstein to a large degree---he should have walked out on her years ago and I don't usually advocate such measures. I have no respect for him anymore, he has allowed her to totally immasculate him as far as I'm concerned. I guess being the good man he is, he didn't/ doesn't believe in divorce and he kept thinking all through the years that if he just gave in a little here and a little there that she'd be satisfied.
WRONG !!---but it's too late now, Frankenstein lives and is destroying her ennabler and the hand that feeds her.
Sorry for the additional ramble but I have LOTS more stories if anyone is bored