Author Topic: Hey all, can you help me?  (Read 1851 times)


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Hey all, can you help me?
« on: July 19, 2006, 03:45:26 AM »
Hiya all ((((((((((all at VESMB)))))))))))

I've got a work related problem and I really don't know how to deal with it....

There I have been, merrily doing my job for the last six months, when one of my colleagues comes back from maternity leave.  Turns out she's the reason that the last guy transferred because she bad mouthed him to the bosses.

She's already trying to mussle in on what I do... her role has been dismissed while she was on maternity, so mgmt are in the process of creating a new role.  I'm not sure what is going on as she was going to be Bid Manager and now it all seems to have changed and she's getting involved with Recruitment.

I spoke to my boss yesterday to clarify exactly what she does, as she was asking me to send her CV's, however her role in recruitment is to take some of the pressure off my boss, so to hold some interviews, that kind of thing.  Anyway, when she asked her for CV's to give them the once over, I replied that I already did this, so didn't think it was necessary for her to do the same.

Anyway, the first interview I tried to organise with her, she was on leave that day and it wasn't in her calendar.  And the second one, well, apparently we have already interviewed this guy previous to me taking over this role.... however here's the catch.... I asked her to forward me information of the interview, she doesn't have any info, I've checked with our Central dept, they haven't got any info.... she thought the guy was rejected because it's hard to sell people to projects where he lives.... (She would see where he lives from his CV!).  I could have come up with that one....  And now she can't make one of the days.... it's always after I've looked at her calendar...

Then I started thinking.... hmmmm.... she wants to see CV's, and then when I say no, to come back and say that we've already interviewed this guy.....  what better way than to try and see CV's which is a job I do already.

So.... how on earth do I deal with someone like this????  Suggestions??? Ideas???  I really like my job and up until now the people I work with!

Your help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Take care

H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Hey all, can you help me?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 09:48:22 AM »
Hi H&H:

It sounds like you're doing the right things so far.  You told her "no".  You went to your boss for clarification.  Sounds like you're in alert-mode and that's probably a good thing, for now, with her.

How about documenting (for your own use, possible future reference) times when she doesn't do her job, steps out of line,  tries to impose on you, isn't available when she should be and anything else that might be relevant??  At least that way you will have a compiled list of facts to refer to and to bring to the attention of
higher ups, should that become necessary.

Sorry this is happening.  Not nice or fair at all.  It's maddening/frustrating how one person can disrupt so much eh?  :x


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Re: Hey all, can you help me?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 11:29:15 AM »

gotta go but ditto Sela's 2nd paragraph every word!
You are SMART and STRONG and this is going to work out okay.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: Hey all, can you help me?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 01:27:55 PM »
Hi H & H,

   I think that I'm not completely grasping the facts here, but just wanted to say that I'm in your corner  :)

Based on what you relate here, my first thought was that this woman who's just back from maternity leave is facing a struggle of her own to fit back into the work setting. I don't think she is necessarily plotting to get your position or to undercut you in any way.
As an outsider looking in, I'm imagining a woman who's not getting much sleep at night and dealing with plenty of adjustments of her own, both at home and on the job. Knowing that I tend to jump into threat-mode pretty quickly, I've had to really concentrate on always trying to put myself into the other person's shoes before making an assessment...  just my thoughts on it. Wishing you the very best!

With love,


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Re: Hey all, can you help me?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 04:01:20 PM »
Hi H & H,

I didn't get the facts either, but I think I can feel the tone of it.  I'm in your corner too.  This woman is inviting you to take you to the next level in your evolution in consciousness.  Don't play her game "If you play with the pigs, you'll only get dirty."  Stay conscious of her tactics, keep reminding yourself of her deep pain inside ... and if that all doesn't work, give her a headbutt!



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Re: Hey all, can you help me?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2006, 03:27:36 AM »
Hiya ((((((((Sela))))))) (((((((((Hoppy))))))) (((((((Hope))))))) (((((Anansi)))))))

Many thanks for your replies...

Sela, that's an excellent idea about documenting for my own use and I'm going to start to do this.

I also spoke to the guy who used to do my job (I got on well with him anyway) to see if I could find out what part she used to play, and he used to report to her on recruitment and report to my current boss on resourcing, however there was a change around (I'm not sure if this was because of her maternity or before her maternity) and he reported on recruitment/resourcing to my current boss.

She works four days a week, and is pally with a lot of the senior managers here, plus I believe there has been a lot of meetings with her about her role.  I do feel for her, but I don't think she's suffering sleepless nights etc as she says her daughter sleeps right through til 6 am and has done from 3 weeks old.  Also she was saying that her daughter was really ill, projectile vomiting on her day off (which is a Thursday), and her D was in nursery the next day while she was a work.  Her D's in nursery from 8 am - 5.30/6 pm four days per week and is 7 months old.  Her D is such a gorgeous happy little girl, a real cutie.

Anyway, have to dash and start work.

Love H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Hey all, can you help me?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2006, 08:59:11 AM »
Hi H&H,
I'm wondering if it might be helpful to you to go to your manager and say:

"I think now that ____ is back from maternity leave it would be a good time for us to have written job descriptions that clarify duties and areas of responsibility. It's been a little difficult sorting out the issues about CVs and (whatever). If I draft a description of my own responsibilities as they are structured, would you review it with me?"

Something like that? Ambiguity is difficult and adds to your stress.




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Re: Hey all, can you help me?
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2006, 05:53:37 PM »
hi H&H,

This is certainly a challenge for you and you can look at it as an Opportunity for Growth, and to hone a new skill (positive) rather than as a royal pain in the ass!

I've had many of these "challenges" myself with coworkers in the last I know how hard it can be setting and keeping boundaries with work hogs at work.

Here's what you should do to start:
write down your work goals.  Start with the few you've already mentioned:
1.  I don't want to end up leaving my job like that other guy because of this person
2.  I want to keep doing what I've always done
3.  I want work to be enjoyable and fun, not a constant battlefield
4.  I want to make money for the company and it's shareholders, be a productive team member, keep myself and others employed, this to me would be job satisfaction..


OK, now that you've spelled out your goals and it's clear you're not out for power and one-upping like She is, you can clearly go to your management with your objectives - and start going to bat for YOU.  One thing I've noticed about companies is that they are in the business of 1) making money and 2) keeping people employed.  They are not in the business of feeding someone's personal agenda/ego.  So as long as you keep your sights in mind, you're contributing and she is not.  What do her power play moves say about her?

a) she's insecure
b) she feels inferior to you
c) you are threatening to her, that's why she has to be involved in everything you're already doing

Refer back to Your job description, goals, and duties/responsibilities often.  Ask to meet with your boss regularly to go over these, if necessary.  Ask: how does this person fit into my goals and objectives?  In most companies, employers legally cannot deny an employee this right, to define their goals/objectives/job duties -  it is harassing behavior not to tell people what is expected of them and to base their promotion in the company, raises, secured employment, etc, on anything but these job descriptions, goals, documented duties, etc (in a very subtle form).  Fall back on this frequently if you need to.  Does your company have published policies in place?  You can remind this women if she seems to be violating them.  For example, the company where I work has a company policy that "we will treat suppliers, customers, and fellow employees with respect, allowing them to do their job to the best of their abilities and thus having the integrity to do ours."  If this woman is constantly pestering (ie bullying) you, how does this support the companies policies.  You can go talk to your HR rep (non-threateningly, by yourself) to get clear on any policy you're not sure about.  I would talk to your boss at a minimum and clarify what he/she thinks about this.  IT is being proactive, and you're putting the idea in their head, that if they don't do something to address this woman's behavior, you're thinking about taking the matter to HR next, and what would that say about their managerial skills.  Isn't one of their duties to take care of these kinds of conflicts?  I've found management and HR to be both extremely supportive of Problem Resolution where I work.  Why?  They want to keep good employees (it's expensive to have high job turnover), they don't want to have to resolve conflicts through the legal system after an employee leaves dissatisfied (also expensive), and they don't want to go against their own policies - they want to do the right thing. Policies are created for a reason and that is to protect All employees.

under no circumstances is it wise to play her game, your job is to set boundaries/limits, and remove yourself from her game, else you're stooping to her level and are no better than her.  Why should the company keep you, you are wasting their time.

good luck, I think this challenge will be a good one for you.  you can do it  :)



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Re: Hey all, can you help me?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2006, 07:29:04 AM »
Wow, this is great.... thanks Hoppy & Penelope...

At the start of the role I was issued with my Terms of Reference (similiar kind of thing to a job description) so I have dug that out and will go through it at the weekend.  My ToR's state that who I report to, so if they did change that, they would have to update my ToR's also.

My ToR's also reflect the standard recruitment policies so I plan to go through them as well, so I can check exactly what I'm doing right and what I could improve on.

We also have a online PMS (Performance Management System), however mine has still got a load of old stuff from previous, and I haven't been sent any objectives for this year yet, so I will liaise with my Staff Manager, who I'm lucky because he is also my Line Manager, to see about getting these set up.

Also, my manager decided not to interview this guy based on her comments.  This is a good thing because, even without any info to back it up, she's happy because she's being listened to, however it also stops if she was just trying it on, because it means that she knows she won't get anywhere if that makes any sense.

Many many thanks for your help.  I'm feeling alot more positive. 

Love H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care