Pb, well.... I'm afraid that in asking what I think you're inviting another load of rambling here, but I'll give it a shot (weird day here).
Re: giving people what they want (or what we think they want) ~ I guess it depends on our reason for giving? (Not just material possessions, but all sorts of gifts... our time, our energies, our two ears to listen....)
Some people seem to give for the sake of making an impression... hmm, that's right back to what you were saying to begin with, isn't it >>
"Some of us want to be thought of as powerful (and thus talk about the need to "take back one's personal Power"). others as smart or clever, still others as spiritual/religious (god is all-knowing, hand it over to Him). and finally there are some here that, no matter what, will tout whatever one does or says here, one should not think of themselves as a victim, of anything. So don't subscribe to any groups, cause well, that would be making yourself a victim of - group norms"
>> I think I'm finally getting it. That was your whole point in the first place, I think. Does everything we do/ say/ give/ whatever ultimately come down to building up ourselves .. some image of ourselves that we want to portray? Our agenda?
Can't say I didn't warn ya about my denseness. I do see, now. Better thank you in advance for your patience, because no doubt this won't be the last time it takes me a few go-rounds to see the light.
I'm glad you used the example of someone offering to pray for you, because that's a bit firmer ground for me. Personally, I don't say that to someone unless I know that it means to them what it means to me. Ok, how can I know? I have to assume a bit there, but I mean... if I know that we share the same foundational beliefs. If I don't know that, then why am I even saying it? Seems that would be a bit meaningless to me. Not that I wouldn't pray for the person, but I wouldn't announce that to them. People say all sorts of meaningless things, I think, simply because they don't know what else to say. Or maybe they're just afraid of silence.
Anyhow, if you truly don't believe in prayer, I don't see anything wrong with saying so to the person offering. If they're for real, they're not going to take offense. If they're just saying it for the purpose of filling a silence or because it's one of their favorite stock phrases to hold up this image they've created for themselves, then I think it'd do them good to wake up and smell the coffee? I've encountered plenty of people who know all the lingo re: prayer, spirituality, God, and all things religious... complete with bumper stickers to match... but you see the reality behind the image when they pull outta the church parking lot and some guy cuts them off. Tis not a pretty picture. I'm all for fake masks being shown for what they are... vain and useless. Not suggesting it's wise to go around looking for people to unmask, but when you're face to face with one... is it really your job to contribute to his delusion/illusion?
The boat thing... heh... I think I'd nod and smile. I think that's a bit different because it's a matter of personal preference and not an issue of integrity/ reality. I might agree that boats are noisy polluters, but I'm not going to burst my friend's bubble on that topic. Instead, I think I'd be happy that they were happy with it and let it go at that.
Pb, to me, a true friend is one who not only doesn't mind if I disagree with her, but actively encourages me to let her know if I see any reality deficit goin on in her life... and I would value and encourage her to do the same for me. I don't think it ever should be about sustaining an illusion, but rather about striving with them, mutually encouraging each other, to reach the ideal. Shared dreams? Yeah, I think so.
Hope you have a great night, Pb.