I did some research, most interesting.
It is a quote from a book by Dame Julian of Norwich Revelations of Divine Love who became an 'anchoress'
( lived a solitary life of silence and prayer in a single small room, or cell often attached to the church or city walls )
She describes seeing God holding a tiny thing in his hand, like a small brown nut, which seemed so fragile and insignificant that she wondered why it did not crumble before her eyes. She understood that the thing was the entire created universe, which is as nothing compared to its Creator, and she was told, "God made it, God loves it, God keeps it."
She was concerned that sometimes when we are faced wiith a difficult moral decision, it seems that no matter which way we decide, we will have acted from motives that are less then completely pure, so that neither decision is defensible. She finally wrote: "It is enough to be sure of the deed. Our courteous Lord will deign to redeem the motive."
A matter that greatly troubled her was the fate of those who through no fault of their own had never heard the Gospel. She never received a direct answer to her questions about them, except to be told that whatever God does is done in Love, and therefore "that all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."
Speaking of her visions of heaven and hell, she said, "To me was shown no harder hell than sin."
God made it, God loves it, God keeps it.
I will use that one too, when my frustrations grow at insensitive tree-culling and lack of environmental concern ( TX being well out-of-step with the rest of the planet )