Author Topic: Narcissism, nationally (article extract)  (Read 1142 times)


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Narcissism, nationally (article extract)
« on: August 29, 2006, 07:42:26 PM »
I decided to share the link to the article on Narcissism from In These Times instead of taking up so much space with the text. I'll instead share a shorter quote:

The path toward a more meaningful, collective-oriented future—has to begin with an introspective re-evaluation of how narcissism has skewed our personal, social and political lives. Many of us have, consciously or subconsciously, rejected a society that requires incessant self-promotion for economic survival by refusing to center our existences around publicity-seeking approaches to our life and work. In that act of rejection we can find a bit of shelter from the dangers of a hyperinflated ego.

But in the absence of a cohesive framework that helps us understand exactly what we’ve rejected (and why), many of us simply retreat from public engagement in what Commonsense Rebellion author and psychologist Bruce Levine characterizes as a “passive-aggressive rebellion against a society that demands we be incessantly self-promoting narcissists in order to survive.”

Perhaps the hope, then, lies in a fuller understanding of what we are reacting to, and a healthier, more humane sense of what we’d rather embrace, including seemingly antiquated notions of honesty, humility, collectivism, ethical conduct and moderation in material possessions.

Essential to this process, as psychologists like Levine suggest, is also developing a more finely tuned awareness of the role narcissism plays in society. When complete extraction is not possible, then boundary setting is a necessary practice for preserving a healthy, socially and politically-engaged life.



"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Narcissism, nationally (article extract)
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2006, 10:18:52 PM »
Hi Jac,
Well, it came from a website I'd never visited. I've been getting very frustrated with Salon, the liberal online magazine I'd been reading for a while...because I think it's pandering by using titillating sex-based stories and columns to sell ads, while it pretends to be nonsexist by sequestering most articles on anything to do with women in a "cheeky" column called The Broadsheet, which I loathe for its retro design.

So in a letters column I asked if anyone could recommend another politically liberal magazine and somebody suggested this one, and lo and behold, there was a discussion of Nism and the nation.

I think I'd like to start another thread on it sometime, but I think of the list "honesty, humility, collectivism, ethical conduct and moderation in material possessions"--that last one strikes me as something anti-N. Just something important that cuts through the culture...a lot of its messages and commodification of the Voluntary Simplicity movement. Will do at some point.

I also related to the “passive-aggressive rebellion against a society that demands we be incessantly self-promoting narcissists in order to survive.” In microcosm, I feel that way at work a lot. Just that I don't want to play the office politics, but without some human reaction...I have no heart in it.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."