Hi Jac,
Well, it came from a website I'd never visited. I've been getting very frustrated with Salon, the liberal online magazine I'd been reading for a while...because I think it's pandering by using titillating sex-based stories and columns to sell ads, while it pretends to be nonsexist by sequestering most articles on anything to do with women in a "cheeky" column called The Broadsheet, which I loathe for its retro design.
So in a letters column I asked if anyone could recommend another politically liberal magazine and somebody suggested this one, and lo and behold, there was a discussion of Nism and the nation.
I think I'd like to start another thread on it sometime, but I think of the list "honesty, humility, collectivism, ethical conduct and moderation in material possessions"--that last one strikes me as something anti-N. Just something important that cuts through the culture...a lot of its messages and commodification of people....like the Voluntary Simplicity movement. Will do at some point.
I also related to the “passive-aggressive rebellion against a society that demands we be incessantly self-promoting narcissists in order to survive.” In microcosm, I feel that way at work a lot. Just that I don't want to play the office politics, but without some human reaction...I have no heart in it.