Author Topic: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector  (Read 2541 times)


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I've been thinking of putting up a post about pattern recognition, since this ability is crucial to identifying and avoiding abuse situations. After thinking about the effects of abuse on memory, though, I think it might be more useful to simply list some of the games instead.

Caveat Lector - reader beware - I haven't pulled any punches. However, I know that the tendency to play games is a part of all people, myself included. I am examining my own patterns to see what I can do to be more authentic and less gamey in my own interactions. I can see quite clearly that some of these items apply to me. I intend to address that, beginning immediately.

Rules To Make Others Livid By

1. Speak in a manner that is deliberately calculated to give offense to a specific hearer. When that hearer takes offense, respond like an unjustly accused innocent, while simultaneously doing everything you can to escalate the conflict.

2. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

3. Watch those you dislike for any opportunities to 'take off' on them. Leap into their conversations from nowhere, armed with rebukes and putdowns. When they call you on this, burst into tears and tell everyone what a hard life you have and how mean this person is to you.

4. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

5. Speak lucidly and calmly about issues at times, including extremely sensitive and delicate ones. Then, unpredictably, blow up in people's faces like Mt. St. Helen. This is most effective when the people you blow up at were directing their remarks to someone else entirely [see 3.] and when there is nothing in their remarks that any objective person could see as offensive.

6. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

7. When someone you dislike is ill and admits to it, 'label' them as mentally or cognitively compromised whenever they don't feel well. Then, in the future, when they express any strong feeling, ask with transparently false concern whether they are feeling all right. When they actively request support, however, withhold it. Simultaneously, express great concern and care for those you like, when they are ill. Use this as a 'ricochet transaction' to communicate your dislike of the first person to all onlookers.

8. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

9. Always insist that everything is relative. Unless you happen to be reacting emotionally to it, in which case it is absolutely not relative, and your interpretation is the only correct one.

10. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

11. When your targeted antagonist refuses to play the game any longer and stops engaging with you, accuse them of 'posting and running' [or 'slapping and running', if their last post was uncomfortably 'on target']. This will discredit them, and obscure the fact that they disengaged because they realized there was no good will on your part and therefore nothing to salvage - or simply because they got tired of spinning their wheels, and had other things to do. It will also draw them back into the conflict and allow you to continue consuming their time and energy, since it 'hooks' their pride, their need to be seen accurately by others.

12. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

13. Send double messages. Tell someone you don't intend to respond to them anymore, then respond immediately to their next remark. Tell someone you want to understand them, then refuse to hear their explanations. Tell someone you forgive them, then find some aspect of the supposedly settled conflict to throw at them to rekindle it.

14. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

15. Speak critically of those who address these issues openly and directly. Simultaneously, yearn aloud for healing in your own life and heart.

16. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

17. Insist that you hold no grudges, but pursue those you dislike relentlessly.

18. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

19. Never face the fact that maybe you just don't like someone, and maybe they just don't like you, and maybe you'll never really know why, and maybe the only sensible and grownup thing to do about it is for both of you just to let it be.

20. Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 08:35:51 AM »
I do expect to be flamed to a crisp over this. But I think it's probably worth it, if it helps any of us identify and get past any of these games anywhere in our lives - no matter which end we're playing, giver or receiver.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52

Certain Hope

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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2006, 08:47:47 AM »

Amazingly accurate, I think. The patterns seem so obvious when they're being observed from without. Personally, I'm hoping that self-reflection will prove to be the tool to prevent re-engagement in some of my own favorite, old patterns. Of course, first those patterns must be acknowledged.

On a personal note, I find #7 especially insidious because it effectively flames, diminishes, voids, humiliates, and silences the voice of the person to whom it's directed. It literally makes my stomach turn to see someone who's been privy to honest, open self-revelation by one person take that vulnerable transparency, turn, and use it as a weapon against him. N did this to me in spades and it's the most dehumanizing, crippling, devaluing tool he had in his arsenal, I think.

Nearly all of the items you list absolutely reek to me of phoniness, double-talk, smoke and mirrors.... a mask which prohibits clean, clear communication. I can see that no progress can be made on this without deep self reflection and a sincere desire to be real.
You've nailed it here and to see it all so clearly in print makes me shake... because I know how devastating these patterns can be when engaged in by a person who refuses to look within.
Thank you.


On edit:   Anyone who chooses to crispify you because you speak the truth should review the even-numbered list items till the desire fades, IMO.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2006, 08:49:41 AM by Certain Hope »


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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2006, 12:39:35 PM »
I sense a recurring theme stormy and that is:

Never look inward, accept responsibility or take accountability for your own actions.

Ah shucks, I would never flame you stormy.  You're too valuable to be flamed. 

hope I made you smile, a little?

hey, post something, I miss you!



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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2006, 01:20:04 PM »
These are the types of things that have gone on in my FOO ever since I can remember.  The same game is played by my mother on each member of my family (Dad not excluded either) over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.  Same passive agressive sneaky underhanded tactics on different family members and different topics over and over and over, resulting in confusion for family members and m coming across as soooooooooo concerned etc. etc. etc.  and leaving us confused as to what has really happened, who is doing what etc etc.  The snipes that occur in public that don't look like snipes to an onlooker because they've not witnessed the events behind the scenes etc. etc.  It ends up with feeling trapped if you speak and trapped if you don't.   Stormy,  I wish there was a name for each pattern you've described, then when it is witnessed one can think oh that's so and so happening etc.  I'm not sure if healing comes from taking note, remaining silent, and moving on or pointing it out and preparing for more of the same.  Much to think about Storm.


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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2006, 04:46:07 PM »
Wow, what a relief! I was very nervous when I put this up.

I'm glad [and also sorry] this is helping others with pattern recognition [sorry because these things are so widespread and that is sad]. #7 is really setting off the bells, huh? It's a very deep betrayal - Hope, you're so right about that. That one seems to be a 'greatest hit' with abusers - I saw it in my family, I've seen it aimed at others in more than one workplace - in one case a kind and innocent man who was desperately waiting for a kidney transplant and trying to work as best he could as his health began to fail. [Fear not - he got his transplant, and his tormentor got a 'transplantation' too - a rare case of workplace justice, thank God.]

Thanks jac. It helps to have others to compare these insights with. But again, oh how i wish none of us ever, ever had to.

Thanks bean, you're right about that theme song! ;-). It needs a catchy tune.

Mountainspring, I am glad these articulated some of your FOO games and again sorry the games were in your FOO... you're so right about the subtlety, how a comment can sound totally innocent to an onlooker who doesn't have the history, but it's really vicious if you know everything that's been happening. That's so frustrating to deal with, because the target seems to be overreacting whenever they get upset - but in reality, the onlookers are underreacting, because they don't have the whole story.

Believe me, I see myself in here too, not in #7 thank God, but in some of the other ones, more than I like to think [relentless? Moi?? unable to just accept being disliked? Moi? :roll:], but if I don't think about this stuff, how can I ever change it? That's another N-taught trap... 'don't think that way, it isn't nice'... but what if it's true? And what if the only way to escape a trap is to recognize that you're in one?

thanks again. I think I probably will put something up about pattern recognition after all - but this needed to come first so people will know what I mean by it.

PS to mountainspring: in the book 'Games People Play' the author came up with catchy names for some of the games he described. Maybe we could call #7 "Are You Really All Right, Dear?" or AYRARD for short. ["Mom's been Ay-rarding me again..."]... and #19 "I Just Don't Like You but I Can't Accept That (and just leave you alone)", or IDJLY-ICAT [pronounced ijjley-eyecat]. Huh. 19 sounds like a surefire country music hit ;-).

Well - I don't mean to be flippant, I'm just very relieved that this helped people as I hoped and hasn't started any fires as I feared. Thanks again. Whew!
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52

bean as guest

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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2006, 06:30:50 PM »
Are you feeling less gamey yet storm? 

I feel a little gamey myself today.  I need some seasoning..where is it...I know it's in the cupboard here somewhere..

Ah yes!  Pheasant marinade.  (blop - puts big old dollop on head)

I am such a turkey, I know it.



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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2006, 06:56:42 PM »
S'aright, bean, we're all turkeys now and then, except when we're chickens.  & that goes double for me :shock:
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52

Certain Hope

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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2006, 07:58:56 PM »
And me  :|


bean as guest

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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2006, 08:16:38 PM »
LOL hope - that made me laugh! 

Certain Hope

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Re: Games People Play [Rules to make others livid by]: Caveat Lector
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2006, 09:30:02 PM »
I'm glad, Bean as Guest ... you tellin me that made me  :) ..... but you might wanna think about a different guest name as that acronym is not too kewl  8)


Love, Hope