Well, usually the written reply went something like this, "Kelly, when you insult me by saying I am threatened by the bookkeeper.............there is no threat, I own the store.......and I cannot believe how you try to elevate her to level that does not belong to her........................oh, and by the way, you are a talented, smart, beautiful, articulate young woman and I love and cherish you. Love Your Mom"
It is always a defense of what I point out to her. Mostly business. But I also talk about her not sticking up for me when I was wronged as a teen. Or the fact that what I say goes in one ear and out the other and when I tell her an idea, she counters it with a much better idea. A lifelong example of someone who undermines and invalidates ME....the way I dress, the way I speak, the way write, the way I parent, etc.
But if I ice the cake with some words like value you, and cherish you, well, maybe that will appease me for awhile.
Doesn't. Too much water under the bridge.