Hi Hops,
It's just so hard for me to know whether someone else is as vulnerable to this kind of thing as I apparently am. It seems like these other women are better able to keep it in balance. I do see the same signs in the others of having a "crush" but I don't know that it is as troublesome to them as it is to me. They seem to understand right off the bat that it is some kind of game that will only go so far. I wanted it to be a real relationship. In fact, I thought it was real, though strange, because I tend to think that people mean the things they say and he talked about it as if it were real. He even "broke up" with me! That is how we came to be "friends."
I do know that one of the women consciously picked him as someone she couldn't have a real, consummated relationship with because she is not ready for that. The fantasy part seems to meet some kind of real need she has. What that need is, I do not know. I do know her history, because she has told me most of it several times. All I can say is there are people who dabble in this kind of stuff and it doesn't seem to effect them the way it does me.
Since I'm going to be working with D periodically, I can at least keep my conscience on high alert. I did try once to say something about what he is like beneath the facade to one of his other woman friends. She just brushed off my comments. It didn't have anything to do with HER. I have since observed that she treats men in that same way that Z treats women, so perhaps she has N tendencies of her own. The other woman, D, seems not to be like that. She seems genuinely too open and user-friendly. On the other hand, she went to school with Z's wife. Perhaps that might be something of an obstacle to letting it go as far as I did. I know I would've been more careful if I knew his wife. Since I didn't, it was easy for me to justify things. I know, not a very fine part of myself.
Hops, I don't feel that your comments are boundary smashing. I need for people to tell me like it is. The thing is, it does seem to me that a lot of middle-aged married people (where I work anyway) enjoy this kind of "play". "Work boyfriend" they call it. Most of them seem to have that cushion that lets them deal with any possible disappointment. I feel like I'm just incredibly naive to have let myself believe what I believed. Plus, the physical setup of where I usually work and the schedule allowed for some "alone time" that fed it and made it seem possible. Where he usually works now, they don't really have that. So, I think D won't have to deal with him upping the ante with her because it won't be physically possible.
I don't know what I could say or when I could say it. But I will pay attention in my conversations with her. Be a little more together about it.
Actually, the other day I said something to him--about if he was going to have a harem, he would have to follow the rules about it and treat each member of the harem equally. I suppose that went right over his head. Or maybe I made it worse and now he is going to take his "responsbilities" in harem-maintenance to heart. Instead of just breaking up the harem completely. Oh, "head-shaking, forehead-slapping" emoticon here.
Sometimes I think my N-friend must have been somewhat off his game when he reeled me in. The others just accept it when he does the ignoring thing and other inconsiderate behaviors. They just don't see it the way I do. I've been somewhat of a thorn in his side sometimes. Not that it gets through to him.
This is definitely a difficult thing I got myself into. I don't see it ever happening again, now that I have this knowledge. One difficulty with this situation, is, I'm embarrassed that I was so naive about it. And took it so seriously. Letting go is very hard for me. It seems like other people have better coping mechanisms. I mean, I know people who "just stop thinking about it". They are not really into soul-searching.
I would like to think that at this time next year, I'll be in a different place emotionally and will have left this behind. It's going to be a lot of work, though.
Thank you, Hops. It really is better to avoid getting into something like this than to have to get yourself out of it.