Hi all
This is going back to the Sorry thread some time ago, which I think Jac initially posted, but I wanted to highlight something which happened to me the other week, which I wouldn’t have recognised, if it hadn’t been for that thread.
One of our manager’s put on an email to another senior colleague the following comment:-
“I do not always trust the sheets that H&H sends out”
To try and give you some background, myself and my colleague who works in the same department send out availability lists, giving the management an overview of who is available, and if they are aware or require someone, then they know this information.
This comment really bothered me, so I went to speak to the manager who had wrote the email and asked him to clarify, and what was the basis of this comment, thinking it was something I wasn’t aware off. However, there was no basis for his comment at all, so I said I thought it was a negative and derogatory comment against my work. His reply was “I’m sorry you took it that way, it wasn’t meant that way”
How’s that for a poor sorry? I’m sorry it was your fault for taking it that way, and what other way could I have taken his comment?
So I just replied that it was ok, but I didn’t want it to happen again….
Even if he had put the sheets that Resourcing send out, instead of using my name, especially when it wasn’t directed at me, but I am still annoyed by it. I keep trying to tell myself it’s in the past, and as long as it doesn’t happen again, then it’s ok.
Take care
H&H xx