I don't know what I should do. I just want to share my story with you all and hope someone have gone through the same experience and prepare me what's ahead for me.
This started 10 months ago. I met this girl who were not happy in her relationship that she has been involved for the pass 5 ½ years. The guy is about 8 years older then her. They were in a long distant relationship for the first 3 years due to work and school. During the 5 ½ years she did all the commitment lived up to her responsibility. He did some of his share but not all. He is much older and was spending a lot of time in his career and helping out other people. She supported him. She always thought that how life is suppose to be in a relationship. At time she was not happy because he was ignoring her needs. He concentrated on others more then her. He never cared about the little things she wants and lived for. When ever their got into an argument they always rationalize why they should be together and not face the problem and deal with it. Every once in a while she wants to get out of the relationship and want to give up on him. Her faith kept her in it. When she was with him. She felt like she was 40 old lady fat and ugly (she is a very beautiful girl). She can’t take the life style he was living. May be because of the age or may be just because who he is. Bottom line she was living 10 years ahead of time.
7 months ago she decided to call it quit with him. She moved out. The first person she called to help her move was me. By this time I was pretty close to her. Not close enough to be partners but were close enough. As days pass we grew closer to each other. I listen to her day and night. I was there when she was feeling lonely. I was there when she was crying about her ex. I was there whenever she wanted. We became friends with benefit. Everyone around us saw us as partners. We lived like partners. We spend a lot of time together. But there was just one thing missing out of it. She was not ready to give it a 100%. I am not saying I was but I know for fact I was more willing and I was giving 100% of mine time to her,
The pass month my nightmare came true. She started talking to her ex again. Thinking about giving him another shot. The guy who never bought her flower for the pass 5 years. Not even on Valentine day. A guy who sent her home when she came to spend time with him. The guy who told her this is who I am I can’t help it. Take it or leave it attitude. The guy who help other with their resume but not hers. The guy who worried about his friends more then her.
My question is this. Why do women put themselves through this? What’s the chance that he will change for her? All the people are telling me it will not work out. For the pass years it didn’t how you expect this time it will. May be non of us have faith. Who knows? Just time will tell.
Thanks for you time.