Fortunately, I have not needed pain meds yet. I have a temporary crown right now as we begin the process of making a permanent crown.
Good good good good good good good!
Hang on to the meds anyway.
There's a little anchoring ligament, or ligaments, and it has to heal to 'set' the tooth securely, and that can take awhile.
I am surprised at how much residual soreness I have now, from a root canal that happened and was painless over a month ago. Definitely not infected, just slow healing for some reason.
My dentist tells me this often happens. Some nights, I take half a pain pill because there's just enough discomfort to keep me awake otherwise.
Hopefully this won't happen to you - it's the first time I've experienced it myself. Anyway, what are experiences for, if not to learn from and use to benefit others?

Do post a bit more [lengthwise] if you feel up to it, I'd like to know how you are doing.