Dear Pennyplant,
It's taking me alot longer to sift through this than I expected. Often when I post items like this, it's because I hear those same bells ringing, but I'm not sure from which direction the sound is coming. Sometimes the responses made on the thread will clarify that. In this instance, I've only come up with more questions, so it's all pretty much clear as mud.
My parents raised me with these beliefs also. In my case, it was all tied in with "religion" and "character" and "honor" and the whole bag of "old fashioned values". I still think they're good beliefs. What makes them irrational, I guess, is when they're overemphasized within an individual personality to the point that nothing and no one ever measures up.
You said:
Even though I never really thought of myself as idealistic, I have experienced pretty much all of the negative effects of being overly-idealistic as they are listed here. It truly explains so much of the frustration of being me. Especially as a child. I always thought my parents knew better, afterall Me, too. And to me, frustration is the key sign that these ideals are not serving their intended purpose. My parents were not "real" to me. More like icons. The disillusionment they inspired took alot of years and determined effort to shake off. They don't know any better. They're just like me. I'm not a failure because I couldn't/wouldn't wear their mask and pretend to know better, be better.
I believe that purging out the irrational thinking which leads to the extremism of these ideals is what frees us to see our selves for who we truly are, without that mask. For me, that means viewing myself as an empty-handed, needy child of God. There is no shame in that for me.
My parents' way brought nothing but shame.
Pennyplant, I think this is so good and wonderful:
it doesn't really seem unknown so much as something that just hasn't happened yet. To me also it is this way. And Autumn is my favorite season, as well

It is so... refreshing!
It makes all the difference in the world to me ... just knowing that you and others are finding some usefulness in these posts.
At this point in my life I feel very blessed to have the time and inclination to research and read and share. There is alot more to this picture, I see, and I think the doorway out of irrational thought patterns is about to get even a bit wider!
I hope you'll have a restful, refreshing weekend, Pennyplant.