hello all,
I read GS's original post and the link last night..well, most of it; however, I found myself getting angrier and angrier and wanting to email my Mom a long (hateful) letter, sort of as a way to get revenge (not that N's really feel remorseful, so I don't know why I still think that telling her all the stuff she did would even hurt her). So I stopped reading. I soon forgot, the anger went away as I got tired and went to bed.
Anyway, I'm sorry I wasn't able to read everyone's responses on this thread. I know that pp and hope have shared some bad experiences..and I wanted to give you a hug and to say I'm sorry. You did not deserve your N mothers.
I think when I think of my N Mom now, I remember mostly the good things about her, and I guess I'm concentrating on those (since there are some good things, believe it or not). But I certainly have not forgotten that she's just a Bad person, plain and simple. Bad for me, not healthy for me to be around. It is getting easier for me, I mean...I think. Focusing on the positive more and more each day.
love to all,