Hiya Moon:
Glad you laughed! That's a good sign...not losing your sense of humour....even in the face of difficulties.
Is there no power in kindness
I think there is but that power does not work with people like your father (and mine). I think I went thru something similar.....years ago. And I paid the price, as you are. There is no weakness in kindness. The weakness lies in those who do not embrace it lovingly but rather use it to cause more chaos.
It is not unkind to not talk to your father. It is a consequence of his behaviour that he must accept. It is not unkind to allow people to suffer the consequences of their own behaviour. It is the only way they learn anything, if they learn anything at all.
It would be unkind of you to keep allowing him the chance to disrupt your life and upset you. It would be unkind to you. Please be as kind to you as you tried to be to him. He does not value your kindness or embrace it lovingly. He uses it to cause more chaos and that is unkind to you.
Kindness is powerful when it is embraced lovingly. Give yourself that power! Embrace yourself lovingly and say: "I tried. He failed to value my kindness. Now I will be kind to myself to heal from the chaotic disruption
he caused. And he will live with the consequences of his own behaviour, just like the rest of us."
((((((((((((Moon and Mr. Moon))))))))))))