Hi Shock,
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that. I think I was just noticing that he might be feeling like a scared young boy if that's who he responded to in the movie. I also heard that he's in pain over not feeling able to father more. I think a lot of men are carrying around great anguish over that, so that's why I had a compassionate thought toward him as well as you.
None of that means his perspective is fair at all though. I haven't heard enough of your story to understand well yet. That's why I suggested a counselor...seems that it might help you evaluate how bad things are (or he is) and anything in your own actions you might be unaware of . (You mentioned being nasty, but maybe I misunderstood...you didn't mean it literally)?
You have my sympathy and support. Confusion feels awful but it's a good place to start!
This is all such a slow process, but worth it.
Hope that helps,