When I was 17, I was so desperate for a boy to want me, that I hooked up with a guy who date-raped me one night when I was drunk (I was a virgin at the time), would sometimes burn me with cigarettes, claiming it was an accident and a myriad of other abusive behaviors--but I stayed with him, until he got bored with me and moved on to his next victim. Having a past, can be a very painful thing.
My daughter is 18, intelligent, very beautiful and has a perfect body. She has never had a boyfriend, and as far as I know, has never even been kissed romantically. She has a number of boy friends, but has never dated any one boy. I actually consider her quite lucky to have gotten through high school without having any romances. Now that she is in college, I'm sure that will change, but I also think she is more ready for it and has the maturity to make good decisions. I hope I have given her the security of love necessary to keep her from feeling the desperation of being loved by a man. Unfortunately, her father has not given her that same love and attention during the most important part of her developing into a woman, so I do worry at some level.
Hi Brigid,
I am very sorry that you suffered so much from your relationship with that boyfriend who hurt you in so many ways. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment.
When I talk in general terms about not having a past, I'm not talking about getting into real danger. It's just the feeling unwanted. The two "emotional affairs" I attempted during the last few years were with people I thought I had made a real connection with. It felt very real and intense to me, though I guess I have no idea how it really felt to them. The N-co-worker, well now I know that was never going to happen. Now I'm a little bit more educated about that particular personality type. But I didn't know before. I thought he really liked me. I thought he meant what he said. Now I know that wasn't true. The first guy, well that just took me by surprise. He was someone I met at work also, and he was much younger than me. He probably didn't realize he shouldn't be so open and friendly to older women approaching their sexual peak years! I didn't know this either!!!! Just walked into that one blind. Due entirely, I think, to my
lack of experience. Which is what I'm getting at. People need these kinds of experiences in their youth. It is a necessary part of growing up and becoming a real adult. A complex, mature human being. Which I did not do. I am doing that now. In a really awkward, backwards way.
Brigid, you mention that your daughter has never had a boyfriend or really any romance. She must have other things that you gave her or at least allowed to develop in her. Self-confidence, self-esteem, lots of friends, genuine interests that she can follow up on. I had little of that. It just wrecked me that I was so below average in all the common things that most young people could expect out of life. Not having a boyfriend was the thing I honed in on. But maybe if the other areas of life had worked out better, it might not have loomed so large in my view. Your daughter amazes me. She is going at her own pace. I didn't even know I was allowed to go at my own pace. I probably
wasn't ready for real romances or relationships. But I didn't know it was okay to be later than other kids. I didn't know I could become ready for things. I had never been allowed to just do something when I wanted or was ready. Your daughter is really fortunate in my opinion. And you gave that to her. I could have used a mom like you

. That's just great that you did that for her. She got this way even with the father she had. She's going to be more than okay. I know you can't help it if you still worry. But I bet she's going to do just great.
Thanks for your comments. It gives me so much to think about.