This is a letter in response to Cary Tennis' advice to another letterwriter today....the rest are interesting too...Hops
Not About 'Slow and Methodical', He is Mired in Indecision
This guys sounds just like I was a few months ago. He may describe himself as 'slow and methodical', as I would have at the time, but I'll bet my last dollar he's mired in anxiety and depression, or some combination thereof. Anxiety and depression can take many forms. For me, one of the biggest signs was a near complete inability to make any big decisions until pushed to the wall. One of my problems, trivial though it may seem, was that I could not clean up the disorganized mess in my house. I was embarrased to invite people over half the time. But I couldn't decided on the color to finish painting, which bookcase to install, if the coach would be better against the east wall or the west wall, or if I would regret throwing those catalogs out, 'cause I may want something from them.
Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore (there were other things going on as well) and I went to a psychologist and was prescribed an anti-depressant that works well with anxiety (Celexa). I felt better in about two weeks and in about two months, decision making became MUCH, MUCH easier. It's hard to describe, but it simply became very clear to me what things needed to be thrown out, what things could be sent to Goodwill, and what things needed to be tucked away.
Anyhow, before you make any big decisions of your own, consider the anxiety angle. I was not really depressed before I took the medication - I could laugh, joke around, and be happy - but anxiety was kind of an issue. I didn't even know it had paralyzed me so much. I wish I had taken the medicine much, much sooner. It makes me sad now to think how bad it had gotten.
Good luck to you both. :O)
-- Elle