Author Topic: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll  (Read 4323 times)


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Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« on: September 24, 2006, 08:26:55 AM »
Saw this spooky comment from a genetics N page:

An associated innate facial expression is the radiant gingival smile (broadly exposing gums and teeth).

the page is:

Its just scary cos its very apparent in T. I still love your smile T  :D

(unfortunately she can't remember ever seeing her Ndad smile)

ANybody got any confirmations or not of this ? (apologies to all the nice people with big toothy gummy smiles ! )


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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2006, 09:22:19 AM »
Hi 2bbetter

I know this site from a while back. Can I just comment on the premise of the website (quote from there):

We analyze genetically-determined character traits underlying personality.  In our model, individuals have discrete, innate personality traits that are readily identifiable, leading to the formulation of discrete personality types.  A personality type becomes a "personality disorder" if the individual is maladjusted and comes to the attention of the mental health professional.  One key trait that we identify as being determined by genetics is "narcissism". 

I'm not sure that there is any scientific evidence for 'genetically-determined character traits underlying personality'.

If personality traits, particularly disorders, were genetic, my traits would be a mixture of my mother and father. Both of them are, personality-wise, operating in parallel realities to me.

Genes? Personally I don't think it's likely but then I come down in the nuture camp, rather than nature and there's quite a bit of scientific evidence for nuture being the main determinent of personality traits.

So by inference, I'd take anything I read on that website with a large pinch of salt.  Interesting yes, proven, no.


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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2006, 10:48:22 AM »
Teeth-baring is a threat display among predators [including primates]

Smiling is nonaggressive teeth-baring and is seen in a number of species besides our own

Many of the human facial expressions that pass for smiles - check fashion photography, check celebrity photos - are actually quite hostile and aggressive if you look closely at them.

Ethology, even if not genetics.
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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2006, 02:14:58 PM »
I think about monkeys, how they stretch their faces wide in a smile-grimace.

When I first read that it scared my pants off because I knew I used to have a
broad sort of unhinged smile.

Don't any more. Life smacked the edge off it. But I'm glad. That old smile
felt a little hysterical.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2006, 02:53:05 PM »
I took the test no big news I am bipolar...............................
Also it said I am submissive dang If it says that now how submissive was I when I first came here minus zero ?
I do think genes play a role a bit the big big big biggie is nurture .

But I do not want to be a scary one I find my true nature in gentleness.
Because of this site and you guys I am not the pushover I once was..................

What a journey hey guys THX

I do not have the kind of smile described here

opps Mr moon wants me to help him fix breakfast he is the cook in the family .

MY little one had her best friend spend the nite I love to hear two 13 year olds giggle :lol:



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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2006, 02:54:52 PM »
Ithink more important than how reliable the site is, is how you felt upon reading it.  It sounds as if you felt some panic or fear.  Do you care to speak to that?

Certain Hope

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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2006, 04:20:10 PM »
Hi 2b,

  I was always interested in the differences between "somatic" and "cerebral" N's. Seems to me it's often the somatic sort who have this broad, gingival smile, whereas the cerebral N tends to be far more reserved and often utterly unconcerned re: his own appearance/ facial expressions. My ex (definitely a cerebral type) hid most of his face behind a full beard and rarely smiled. Also, across the board with all sorts of NPD individuals, I think they lack any sense of humor, so smiling with them is just another one of their masks, it seems.



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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2006, 06:03:03 AM »
Thanks everybody :)

I was actually seeking yes / no type replies, & I'm guessing from the responses that did come that the overall answer is NO, it has not been generally noticed by people here :)

Dear Plucky: Nah, no panic or fear, really was actually an interesting point raised in the article that coincided with T's smile, and I decided to ask the N experienced group if they had noticed it or not. Should have used the word spooky, or surprising instead of 'scary' huh. ut thank you for your concern :)


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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2006, 10:28:31 AM »
hey 2b, can I ask you a question?

We have not heard from T here.  Is she planning on posting?  Why or why not?

I'm a bit concerned that you feel the need to pass all info by her.  That sounds to me like a relationship built on codependency, not trust and acceptance that people are (and can be) different and don't have to agree and "check" one another all the time.  What do you think?  Am I way off here?

I personally have told my S/O about this site, over a year ago when I first started posting..but he's never felt the urge to check what I'm posting that I know of.  He's like: if she wants to talk about something with me, then it must be important to her.

I feel a huge amount of trust that he's not looking over my shoulder as I type (also, he knows this bugs me since I was raised with a Borderline Personality Disordered/Narcissitic mother who always did this, so I really don't like that).  Can I ask you if you really know if this bugs you or not; and if so, do you feel comfortable telling T?  It's your feelings and being able to identify and express them that are important, and what I'm trying to get at here.  After recognizing my Ns, it was important for me to combat all the effects - one of which was not being able to identify feelings of my own (after having been told by my Ns what I was thinking/feeling for so many years).

« Last Edit: September 26, 2006, 10:31:52 AM by penelope »


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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2006, 08:26:09 AM »
Hi Penelope,

Yup! Ask away & thanks for asking :) Its really nice to have somebody other than myself asking me questions ;)

re T posting: I dunno, you can ask her yourself though if you want :)

re my 'passing everything by her"... Nah, not everything, I did ask if she wanted to read the 'some background' post first as a matter of respect, given that it was a pretty revealing thing, especially for someone who's been hiding so long.

"... not trust and acceptance....' I entirely agree. Trust from my side has been stripped away completely, and it never existed with T. We don't actually have 'a relationship built on codependancy' because we didn't have a relationship to start with. She was deceiving me (and possibly herself) into thinking we had one. There was no real relating occuring from the start, and now there is even less because without lying she says she has extreme difficulty in saying anything.

Take the relate out of relationship & all you have is a sinking ship huh.

I do get annoyed when people look over my shoulder when doing things sometimes, although I'm fine with it when they are interested in what or how I'm doing something creative or technical, and its neccesary when people are working on something together.

Yup, expression of feelings is a biggie. I do it all the time, in fact I'm quite a 'heart on sleeve' guy, its always been important for me to say how I feel with people I'm close too. I guess I was 'too honest' from the start with T, it made me easy to deceive. T is looking at identifying feelings at the moment. The 'more on shame' posting gave us a lot to talk about, and it seems T has so much guilt, shame and anger going back so long about so much that other feelings & emotions don't get much of a showing, if they exist at all.

There has been so many lies & secrets, big ones and small ones, since I met her and before we met, I only found out they were lies after I moved here. You might answer some of your questions easier by looking again at T's initial post perhaps.


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Re: Anybody noticed this ? survey / poll
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2006, 11:23:53 PM »
hi again 2b,

I do not always have time to read all the threads, so no, I'm sorry but I didn't see T's post (or 1st post) here.

I thought you might be interested in the article here, which explains transference and projection (and why someone might leave a perfectly good job/income, and move half way around the world for someone - btw, I can relate to this too)  :(

hugs 2b.  I'm happy for you that you are here and asking questions.  That is a very healthy thing for you to be doing.

p bean